
Showing posts from 2016

The Problems with Arrow from a Viewer's Perspective

        Happy New Year to all my loyal readers.  I hope you all have a blessed New Year.  Things are quite busy here, so I haven't been able to write. I have been thinking about Arrow and wondering how 5b will play itself out.  Have you ever wondered  what's not working well with Arrow?  I have thought about it during the hiatus.   Here are some areas were I have see where Arrow lost it's way: Felicity hasn't been given a good story. The OTA has been missing The Felicity boyfriend thing seemed to fast for Felicity who took her time in waiting for Oliver Diggle has had no story Thea has lost her way Oliver has lost all he gained in the first 4  seasons I don't know how you all feel about it.  I hope 5b will find it's direction again.  I hope. I am in in for the long haul, but Arrow seems to have lost some direction.  People think it's about the loss of the Laurel, but I don't think it is.  I  guess I can't put my finger totally on it, but

Love Grows Stronger in Trials: Olicity

    I am old fashioned.  I found my Oliver Queen 45 years ago, and everyday since then we've only grown closer.   Today, you don't see that so much.  Maybe I have my head stuck in another century, but I believe that love can survive just about anything life throws at it. I learned that from my parents who had so many trials in their lives, yet their love only grew stronger.  I am strong on hope and have lots of hope the writers will write Oliver and Felicity in such a way.   Much has been thrown at Oliver and Felicity.  We had Oliver being in the dark and not thinking he's worthy of having love, because he will just destroy it somehow. We had baby mama, and keeping truth from Felicity.  We had Felicity rebound to Billy and Billy being killed by Oliver, and we can't forget the shooting or Havenrock.  The question becomes can they survive and will they?  I think they can and they will.   Since season 1 Oliver pretty much had Diggle and Felicity to guide him into

The Vodka Connection: Oliver and Susan (Sorry to put them together)

So, I've been thinking about 509, What We Leave Behind.  When Oliver went to see Susan Williams the camera focused long and hard on the bottle of vodka; it was Russian.  I thought it might have been the same as Oliver brought out in season 2, but it wasn't. From Season 2 From 509 But this does tell me that Susan has a Russian connection.  I don't think it's from a strictly reporters angle either.  She knows something or is it..dun, dun dun, ... someone?   Here is Konstantin Kovar, and look at the swords behind him.  Do they look familiar to you?  They seem to resemble the ones Prometheus uses.   Wasn't Kovar also trained by the League of Assassins?  What if during Barry's stupid Flashpoint, the Lazarus pit was never destroyed and Kovar took a dip in it and stayed young.  I remember Oliver saying that the kind of movements Prometheus used in fighting was familiar to him. Could Susan know Prometheus?  Could she be aiding him in some way? Or, is sh

PTSD and Speculations on What Lies Ahead for Felicity

  I never thought that the writers fully handled the PTSD side of Felicity's story line.  I am familiar with PTSD because someone close to me lives with it, and overcomes it,  and I have family members who work with people who suffer from it.  If you aren't familiar with it, some of the symptoms are emotional numbness and avoidance of places, people, and activities that are reminders of the trauma; Re-experiencing the trauma through recollections of the event, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, feeling jumpy, exaggerated negative beliefs, such as "I am bad," "No one can be trusted," or "the world is  too dangerous." There is persistent guilt, diminished interest or participation in significant activities, problems concentrating, or exaggerated startle responses, there is are sleep problems.  Sounds like a lot of what Oliver experienced in season one, doesn't it? I never felt that Felicity showed any of these symptoms after Havenrock, and I didn&#

Felicity Smoak Nominated: Go Vote!

  I saw in Twitter that our beloved Felicity Smoak has been nominated by the Hollywood Reporter among the 50 best female characters.  Let's support her and vote!

How did Laurel Lance Come back:

    I read that Wendy Mericle said to look for Laurel to appear in the episode, so I wasn't surprised.  However, I found myself feeling frustrated at the first image of her.  There she was staring at the uniforms of the "fighters" much like Felicity was at the end of season 4 and then Oliver walked in.  It was too reminiscent of that see for me. So now the question becomes, how did she come back?  Do you remember what Felicity said when one of the team members asked how Clayborne could be back when he had died?  Felicity said something like, "Around here they die on Monday  and come on Wednesday?"  Ha Ha,their show is on Wednesday, and of course it could have foreshadowed Laurel coming back to  life.  If she did, then in my humble opinion for what it's worth, is that it happened in Flashpoint.  But, I don't think that fits.  Because if she came in Flashpoint, then everyone would know she didn't die.  Right?  They wouldn't remember her dying.  D

Felicity Gif of Hope

  Look closely at Oliver's words, and then where the camera pans to next. "...No matter how much I love them.  Oliver loves Felicity.  The writers of the  show are giving us hope.  Let's hang onto it.  I have another blog post coming on Laura and one on why the writers  chose not to have anyone comfort Felicity.  It all makes sense. Have hope, people. :)

Arrow 509 Review: What We Leave Behind

               I don't know about you, but I have mixed emotions about this episode.  There were moments that I loved, and moments that left me feeling disconnected.  I had so many questions, frankly, that I had trouble sleeping.  This might be a very long blog, or a perhaps in two parts. Argh. Christmas again on Arrow.  I like the fact that Arrow isn't afraid to bring in Christmas, or as Felicity would call it, "holiday".  I don't know about you, but did the Christmas party bring back the memories of last year?  It did for me.  There was Susan in a red dress and not Felicity, and frankly that was annoying, but done on purpose by the writers.  Felicity was in a bland dress, pretty but bland, yet her hair reminded me of her hair at last season's party.  This planned move on the writers part forces us draw the parallels. I loved when Felicity and Susan both complimented Oliver on his speech, but Felicity got there first.  Susan seemed annoyed and put out.  All

A Little Clarity for Shippers

                    I read recently that Marc Guggenheim became upset over the the shippers that gave him a difficult time and wrote him some pretty bad tweets.  Many came from the Lauriver fans, but sadly many have come from Olicity fans.  In my opinion, and this blog,  of  course, is all about my opinion, both fans are equally wrong. There is something all fans should know and  that fans do not dictate  the story.  The writers write the story they are compelled to write because of the  way the story takes them.  Unless you write, even for yourself, you know may not believe this is true. I love to  write, and I have written all kinds of stories mostly  for my children when they were  young, and I can tell you that you may  begin a story one way, but as you progress, you find the  story taking a different path than the one you originally intended.  I sympathize with the Lauriver  fans.  They liked Laurel  and Oliver as a couple.  Personally I couldn't see them as a couple.  I cam

End of Legends a Fitting end to the 100th Arrow Episode.

One of the things that I like best about Arrow is how you can relate to it. A good story has compelling characters that are  not one dimensional.  I never thought I  would watch a superhero show, but this one is different.  Oliver's journey towards being a hero has not been easy.  He has known disappointment, betrayal by those he  loved most, and he has lost those whom he has loved most.  He has a a piece of himself, yet in the losing, he has found the better part of himself.  Oliver  admits he  would have been happy, but not full.  A happy life cannot take the place of a full, rich life. To appreciate the light, you have to know the darkness.  Oliver has known that darkness, and he found  a different way.  The heartaches in his  life taught him what it means to have a full life.  A full life means to know  the joys as well as the sorrows, to embrace the good, meaningful times, so that in the dark times, you have something to hold onto.  The end of the Legends part  of the c

Arrow 508 Review: Invasion

              This was not the 100th episode that I expected, but it was one I totally enjoyed. Arrow, for me has always been about trust, family, love, and choices.  Each of the 4 main characters of all 5 seasons has had to learn lessons on trust, family, love, and the choices they make and how to live with the consequences of those choices.  In some respects Barry and Oliver parallel each other.  Barry is younger and an optimist while Oliver is the older pessimist.   Barry loved his parents and didn't want them die, so he does what he knows he should not do, break time, and save them.  Oliver, in a small way, has a chance to stay with his parents, but he chooses not to.  He knows that it isn't real, and having something real even though he has to live with pain, is better than something is not real.  Barry has learned that too, we hope, but he learned too late.  The 100th episode paid tribute to all that we loved about Arrow.  So much of  it focused back to seasons one and tw

Flash Review: Invasion

             Wow, that episode soared as a great crossover event.  From the minute it started, it hooked the viewer.                     The Dominators came to  Central City, and we find Lila getting Barry to help.  Barry knew he needed help so he gets Oliver and Diggle, and where do they go?                The Loft!  Felicity even called Thea.  Did  you find yourself  laughing as Diggle  heaved over the railing  at the loft?  He always has trouble getting used to speed. We found out the secret.  Well, sort of.  We still don't know why 40 years in the future people have trouble trusting Barry.  Is it the time travel?  I think we may learn  more about this in the future. I can understand why Cisco is angry with Barry.  Those  are natural feelings.  Felicity wants them to make peace, but Cisco shuts that door rather quickly.  It is Oliver who can understand Barry.  He would give anything  to have his parents back, and I even though he  didn't say it, even Laurel.  This will pl

Flash Tonight: Invasion

            I have high hopes for the Flash being a better crossover story than Supergirl.  According to the promo, there is going to be a  shocking secret related to Flashpoint, and so no one knows whom to trust.  Are you curious as to what the shocking secret is?  I am.  Barry created huge problems when he messed with time.  I read one review a few weeks ago that said Barry never has consequences for changing time, but I think we are starting to see consequences now, and it's not just affecting those in Central City. Will we see any Olicity tonight?  I am hoping we catch glimpses, aren't you?  I will not be able to watch the show until late tonight.  I will DVR it, and write the review tomorrow, but by all means please feel free to write your comments and thoughts on the episode in the comments section below. Will the Dominators take control of Oliver?  That's my guess from trailers I have seen.  I am hoping that we will see Felicity realize how much she does love Oli

Thoughts on Supergirl: Medusa

            I watched Supergirl when it first came out on CBS, but I never got interested in it, so never watched it again.  Tonight, I watched because it was the first of the four night crossover, and well, it proved why I don't like crossovers.  The Flash and Cisco appeared in the last minute of the episode simply saying they needed help.  Really? The last minute the "crossover" event happened?  It didn't seem like an event to me.  It seemed contrived and another mechanism for the CW to get added viewers, and sadly, I fell for it. Melissa Benoist does a good job playing Supergirl, and I thought            Katie McGrath as Lena Luthor  showed depth of character to her role.  She fooled me,  I thought for sure that she worked for her mother.  I did like the line Kara gave her when she said, "Be your own hero."  That's a good quote for any of us to remember. Since I have not watched the show, I don't know all the backstories, so I can't ad