
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Heart of Arrow

I have no idea if this is going to be a scene from Season 6 episode one, but it seems plausible that it could be.  Could Felicity have made it to the plane across the island?  It seems doubtful.  We know that in all likelihood there will be people who die.  So for Felicity to be injured or  unconscious is not far from the  realm of possibilities. Oliver will have so much to deal with, but season five set the groundwork for his ability to handle what  has happened.  He won't blame himself this time.  Now he will be strength  for Felicity, Diggle, and  the others to handle what has happened to them. I don't  know about you, but I don't watch Arrow because of the comics, I  know zero about the storylines from the comics.  I watch Arrow because of the story it tells. The writers weave characters we care about.  They write so that the viewer can identify with story  and the people.  One the viewer can relate  to a character, then the story comes to life.   It's the stor

How Arrow Might be Like "24"

                      I am a big fan of 24 with the Jack Bauer character.  Stephen Amell has said that this season's villain will not be one big villain, because how can you one up Prometheus.  Prometheus had so many levels of evil to him that it would be very difficult to create a villain with that kind of dimension.  Stephen then asked if people were a fan of 24, because there would be similarities to the villains. 24 would begin with a villain that you but then  that villain might be taken out and you think, okay, they got the bad guy now what?  But they would dangle another villain in front of you that would be worse than the first.  Finally you would discover the last one was the villain who pulled the strings, and often someone Jack Bauer knew. This new season of Arrow proves to be quite exciting.  So will Vigilante be just the beginning of those villains we shall meet, and who will be one pulling the strings?  Will Cayden James be one of the problems for both Felicity an

Will we meet Diggle's Parents?

I've been gathering information from trusted resources and  found out the following for season 6:          Stephen/Oliver's  first scenes in season 6  are with William.  Probably  as they try to find out who has  lived.  He'll want to try and find William's mother, for the child's  sake. Raisa, as I have indicated  before will  return, probably to  help take care of William. Stephen has teased that assuming  Felicity lives, Oliver and Felicity are in a great  place when season 6 returns. David teases that season  6 will focus on the  significance of familyfor Diggle in terms of Lyla and in terms of Oliver, and one of his parents.  So, we may see either Diggle's mother or father. That would be cool since that will give us more background on Diggle.  Also, Diggle is hurt and hurt worse than anyone imagines.   In episode 2, we may see Black Siren/Laurel Lance and Quentin  Lance  bonding. Marc Guggenheim has stated that Season Six will be about family, both