
Showing posts from January, 2018

Arrow 611 We Fall Review

Last night's Arrow showed us the best of what makes Arrow rise above the mundane of television. I  thought last week good, but his week was great. Husband, wife, and family can all work  on a show that's known for action and adventure. Emily and Stephen make  it work. Jack Moore also gave us a great performance with William. David Ramsey shone last night too as John  Diggle had  his own struggle over being a hero, more on that to come.  Emily, Stephen, and John are the heart of Arrow, and let's just say the Newbies  have so much  to learn.   As perfect as the episode  was, I have only one small complaint that  I'll address later.  Last night's episode is so  hard to break  down,  because of so  many wonderful aspects, but I hope to do my best.                Olicity:   Wonderful scenes as we see Oliver and  Felicity at home getting William  off to a school field trip. Watching Oliver and William  shooting arrows from toy bows was cute,  but did Oliver  deliberatel

Arrow 610 Divided Review: Trust and Forgiveness

The overarching theme of Arrow last night centered on trust and forgiveness. This theme has occurred many times in Arrow, and it's one thing  I like about the show.  The writers  have continuity in the story-line. Arrow cares about character growth whether in the major characters  or in the minor ones, they grow and learn lessons.  The  writers surprised with Jerry Bertinelli, the cousin of the Huntress becoming an ally with Oliver.  I  am guessing we  will find the Huntress returning at some point before season's end.  I for one will look forward to that especially when  she finds Oliver and Felicity married.  We also  found out that Cayden James  tipped Agent Watson to  Wild Dog's identity. James is a master manipulator.  For Cayden  James, Team  Arrow are so many dominoes correctly placed so that once the first one falls over, the rest follow.        Olicity:   Oliver and  Felicity work well as husband and wife crime fighters.  I love that Felicity never seems  to lose