Why I Believe the Flash-Forwards are a huge Misdirect

   Image result for brothers and sisters images from Arrow 714  I'm stepping out on a limb here, my friends, to say that I believe the flash-forwards are a huge misdirect.  Beth has said the future is fixed.  There will be no Legends coming to take people back in time to fix all that has gone wrong in Star City.  Season 7 has been the darkest of all the seasons so far.  As I will be stating in my review, Arrow by its very nature is dark, so when Oliver knocked on the door this IT girl, and with her quirky behavior, she made him smile a genuine smile, it added light that the show needed.  The flash-forwards are very dark.  They almost seem hopeless.  The Vigilantes that Oliver started are blamed for the mess in Star City; Felicity is dead; Oliver is not mentioned at all, or when he is, it's always in the past tense. This leads the viewer to believe Oliver is dead. He and Felicity didn't raise their children together, there seems to be no team at all, so what's the point?  If all is that dark in the future, why watch the show?  People need hope and without hope, they give up.  That's why I think the future is not as hopeless as we are lead to believe.  

The Mark of Four plays a significant role.  When Roy saw it, he knew he had to get to Star City.  I think he and Dinah may know more than they are saying.  My guess is that Felicity is alive and once we finally see her, we will learn more that will shed light some significant unknowns and give us hope.  We are already seeing things that give us reason to hope in the future.  Mia knew about the rubix cube and she found a cassette tape.  It looks that kind in answering machines.  Maybe William will see that his parents tried to make contact, but the grandparents kept them apart.  Who directs this?  It has to be Felicity.  Have hope my friends, all is not as dark as we are lead to believe.

Working on review, will try and have it up sometime tomorrow, Friday at the latest.


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