Family to be the Theme of Season 6

Stephen Amell has stated that the theme of season 6 of  Arrow will be family.  We have a lot of story  that could be explored here.  Here are some possibilities that I  have thought of.  You find  more, or different ideas, please post them in the comment section below.  Image result for team arrow as a family images

 Image result for Thea and Malcom 523 Images            Thea:  If Malcom died, as we  all suspect he did, then Thea could be struggling with some  guilt over the loss of both Robert and Malcom.  I  know Robert's been gone for 5 years, but she ended on the island  where he was buried and so that leaves an  impact  on a person.  Plus she's always had  issues with Malcom, and then he gave his life for her, so that would  change her perspective as well.  Then too, she could turn to Oliver more, because now he is not only her brother, but her father figure.  At one point  I thought she had turned to Lance as a sort of father figure, and perhaps she will again.

Rene:  Perhaps there will be a focus on Rene trying to get his daughter back, and with Lance's help, we could  find  a family that was lost, restored.
Image result for Dinah and Lance images
Lance and Dinah:   I know some people that that Lance will try  to  deal with Black Siren  as his daughter,  but by the way he knocked her down in the last episode, I doubt that will happen.  Black Siren  may  try some tricks, but I don't think Lance will fall for it.  What if he turns to the Black Canary and she turn to Lance,since  he gave her the handle of Black Canary?  They could have a father-daughter  relationship to fill a void they both have, and the Black Siren might not be happy about that.

Image result for oliver and samantha imagesOliver-William-Felicity:  Does Samantha die on the island?  Will Oliver become a single father?  How will William  react to Felicity?  If Oliver and Felicity have conflict, how will that play out?  It's always a struggle to be a new parent, and harder if one becomes a parent  to an older child. I hope that William's mother doesn't die.  I  think it would be interesting to see what happens if she stayed in Star City, and shared custody with  Oliver.  That would bring out an interesting  family dynamic.  

The Team:  The team has always been a sort  of family, and seeing  how the team dynamic plays out will be interesting as well.

Other stray Thoughts:  We  all know that most of the cast has been signed on for season 6.  But what if some of them are injured, and they have to  deal with that, or what if Felicity had amnesia  of  some sort.  What if she doesn't remember she's Overwatch?   How would the team react?  How would they help her?  What is going to motivate Felicity to begin Smoak Technologies?  All I know is that Seaon Six is going to be very exciting.
Image result for team arrow as a family images


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