Arrow 514 The Sin Eater Review

Image result for Arrow 514 images The Sin Eater brings back three formidable female foes: China White, Carrie Cutter, and Liza Warner.  All three of these foes appeared in seasons one and two of Arrow. This whole season has referred back to the first two seasons.  I had forgotten about Liza Warner, until the brief flashback reminded me of who she was. The theme for last night's episode addresed the question,  Can you take on the responsibility of someone else's sins?

Antaoly,  in the Russia flashback, tells Oliver that he is a sin eater by wanting to take on other's sin. This is something Oliver has done for all 5 episodes, isn't it?  Wasn't he trying to make up for his father's sins by crossing off names on a list?  Oliver helped Anatoly in the hospital.  I am guessing that in the next episode we shall find that Oliver killed Gregor before Gregor could kill Anatoly.

Quintin Lance feels guilt over Liza Warner, because Liza heard in prison that Lance worked with Damien Dahrk.  He was taking Liza's sins upon himself until Thea told him not to do that.

Thea and Felicity's friendship warms the heart.  They care so much for each other, and when Thea finds out from Oliver that Susan Williams asked Oliver if he were the Green Arrow to whom does turn for help but Felicity.  Felicity hacks Susan William's computer  and finds evidence that Susan was working on a story  to expose Oliver Queen as the Green Arrow.  Is what they  did right?  Morally no, yet there's a part of us all in the audience that was glad they did. Why did Thea get more of the blame that Felicity?  When Thea went into Quintin's office and said, that she had been "taking out the trash,"  did you laugh at that line?  My daughter and I did. Thea often has lines that the viewer thinks.

Image result for Susan Williams from arrow images Susan never seemed trust worthy to me.  We all thought she was up to something.  Did the episode make you wonder if Susan did love Oliver and she's truly hurt that he lied to her?  I almost did until when she confronted Oliver about her losing her job,  and she said to him, "Now I can't go publicly  with it."  Why else collect all that if she weren't going to use the information.  No one will convince me that she wasn't going to go public with this. So even though Thea and Felicity were wrong to do what they did without going to Oliver first, I  understand why they did it.  They both care for Oliver, and they both think Oliver isn't thinking clearly where Susan is concerned.

Image result for aarrow 514 sin eater images  I felt frustrated about Oliver tonight.  He didn't  get angry that Susan was going to out him as the Green Arrow.  He denied that she would do that to him.  Does that sound familiar to you?  Remember the Huntress?  He didn't believe Diggle when he said she couldn' t be trusted, the same with Moria.  He's doing the same with Susan.  Why?  I don't see character growth in that.  Instead he attacks the two women who tried to stop Susan from exposing him.  So do you think Susan can be trusted?  Does she really love Oliver? Or is  she more like Isabel Rochev and  works somehow with Prometheus?

Is Thea like her mother?  Perhaps she is, and Oliver as a big brother was trying to help her, I get that. He doesn't want Thea making a wrong choice, but hasn't Oliver made some in the past?  She was wrong in her method, but she was correct in her assessment of Susan, or was she?  She is not as bad a we think?  Or is that a ruse to hide that she works with Prometheus?

Did Oliver go easier on Felicity because he cares for her still?  There was tension in the scene with Felicity especially when she touched Oliver, but he was clearly angry with her.

Adrian Chase.  I don't know why, but he reminided me a little of Sebastian Blood.  Blood worked with Slade but didn't know the price he would pay, because he came to respect Oliver.  Is that the same with Chase?  I am not sure about him.

Prometheus.  We aren't any closer to clues about who Prometheus is.  This far along, I suspected we might have some clues, but now I am not so sure that we know who Prometheus is until the  final episode.  Frankly for me this story is moving too slowly.  I know they want to keep suspense but it drags a bit. The Russian flashback didn't go  anywhere,  either.  We all know that Antoly lives.  So that story didn't lead anywhere for me. Usually the flashbacks lead to the current story in big ways, so I keep  looking for some.  Was Susan in  Russia at the same time Oliver was, or does Prometheus have a Russian connection and we have yet to find this out?  More questions and little answers.

The nail really seems to be in the coffin of Billy Malone, sorry about the poor choice of words, but they mention  Billy a lot.  So I am thinking he isn't dead. Even if he had two arrows in him.

Amanda Westfield isn't going to reveal the name of her son.  Is her son  Prometheus?  Could her son be Billy Malone?  Still more questions.

How did this episode move the story forward?  Share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. As for the action, the episode was pretty good but I think that this episode hasn`t added something to the season and its history.
    It looks like it was episode 100 of the EBR and we barely even saw her.
    I liked to see Lance and Thea, Thea was flawless, the way she dealt with Susan, and especially when she said she was dealing with the trash.
    As for the way Oliver reacted to Susan's whole story, it was just stupid and dpn`t tell me that he grew up because I do not see growth here, just stupidity. If not let's see, she says she just does not advance with the story because she was discredited and he stays undaunted and serene ?? And then you're still full of reason and talking from the top to Felicity ?? I dpn`t like the way he approached her or the way he made Thea feel bad, he's the person who committed the most sins and commits them and they just cleaned up the crap he's been doing since approaching that woman , But because it isn`t reliable and the writers of Arrow who don`t try to convince us otherwise because they will not.
    In this field, the episode was a huge mess and, as if that were not enough, he still went after that traitor who told him in the face that investigated him on his back... I do not understand, he's too stupid.
    But I think this story will still get worse, because I do not believe Oliver and Susan are past, by the way, I think he'll even admit to that witch that's the GA.
    I do not think he was wary of Felicity, he was all over her, angry, angry, just stopped because she spoke in Thea.
    Sometimes I don`t see how the writers will get them together again ... what I mean is, for me, in a way the writers are ruining the magic between them and then, you get to a point that is not possible Go back, that is, even if they come back, and i belive they do in some point, it will not be magic anymore ... that makes me sad because SA and EBR are endgame together.

  2. I see what you're saying and sometimes it is discouraging. I did not know this was EBR's 100th episode. There should have been more focus on her, but it is SA's show. I agree I don't think Susan is out of the picture either, but I think the reason the writers are taking their time is to do a slow rebuild. But this is slower than slow.

    Oliver seems to be attracted to wrong women. Did you think Thea is like her Mom?

    Always enjoy your feedback.

  3. I even agree with this "brake" that has been placed on their relationship, even because that request for a wedding was a bit rushed, and their relationship needs to be better built but it is becoming very slow, frustrating and audiences are falling More and more, no one cares about this ??
    I don`t like it when he says he cares about her (Susan), I get sick :)

    I don`t think Thea is like her mother, although Oliver is right when she said that she did what her mother would do, but we have to see that he only did wrong decisions with Susan, he has not learned anything :) . But it's true that Thea has a strong personality, like her mother.

  4. I had mixed feelings about what Thea did. Part of me was glad she did it, nut I understood why it upset Oliver. I agree with you that Thea has a strong a strong personality. However I don't know that it was fair to accuse her of being just like her mother. I am going to think on that for a while.

  5. I simply liked what Thea did, someone has to put that reporter in place, since Oliver is blind looking for her to be a Goddess.
    It's not right that he accused his sister that way, after all, as Jen says in his review, he killed to keep his identity secret, and that is worse.
    I read something interesting in Jen's review, Amanda could be the mother of Vigilant and not of Prometheus and be all orchestrated by the Big Vilan ... what do you think about that ??

  6. Yes, I agree with Jan. I was going to write about that today. That's why I think Adrian reminds me of Sebastian Blood. Just as Blood was used by Slade Adrian is used by Prometheus.


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