Arrow 610 Divided Review: Trust and Forgiveness

The overarching theme of Arrow last night centered on trust and forgiveness. This theme has occurred many times in Arrow, and it's one thing  I like about the show.  The writers  have continuity in the story-line. Arrow cares about character growth whether in the major characters  or in the minor ones, they grow and learn lessons.  The  writers surprised with Jerry Bertinelli, the cousin of the Huntress becoming an ally with Oliver.  I  am guessing we  will find the Huntress returning at some point before season's end.  I for one will look forward to that especially when  she finds Oliver and Felicity married.  We also  found out that Cayden James  tipped Agent Watson to  Wild Dog's identity. James is a master manipulator.  For Cayden  James, Team  Arrow are so many dominoes correctly placed so that once the first one falls over, the rest follow.

 Image result for Arrow Divided 610 images     Olicity:  Oliver and  Felicity work well as husband and wife crime fighters.  I love that Felicity never seems  to lose her sense of humor.  When they are in their new lair, Oliver comes in, hands her something, and tells her find  out the information on it.  To which  she says, "Hi,  Felicity, how are you,  you look tired."  To which Oliver gives that little sigh he does when she makes a point at something.  A  little bantering there.  Cute. Did you notice how nervously she scanned Oliver for bugs, and how sweetly her looked at her?  They know the same line from the same movie, Bull Durham, how cute was that.  The story couldn't give us much more than that, because they have crisis on hand, and so personal lives have to be set aside.  I loved the way Felicity was concerned that William was home with Raisa without Oliver being there for long.  She worries about William.  I almost forgot, what about the line when Oliver lets her know he's thinking of working with Bertinelli, and she says, "  I remember a time when you got in bed with a Bertinelli, and that didn't work out well  for you." This is what we love about Felicity.

Image result for Arrow Divided 610 images        Oliver and Thea:  It's always good to see the Queen siblings together.  Thea wants to help, but she has no confidence that she's ready.  I think this where Roy Harper  will help her out.  I am wondering  if Roy help her become Speedy again.  Some on the web speculate that he will whisk her off with  him she'll exit the show. I don't see that happening, at least not yet.  The best line  was when Oliver said, "You'll always be my Speedy whether you have a bow and arrow or not."
         Image result for Arrow Divided 610 images           OTA:  Original Team Arrow will always  be great, but the show has evolved, and the with the criminals united, I  don't see how they can stay that way for long.  Oliver mentioned several times that it started with the  three of them,  and the three of them could do this together, but Oliver in the end admitted he needs more help.  At least with Diggle's arm better he  can now help fight.  By the way, wasn't that a cool shot when Oliver threw the gun and quickly Diggle had it and had control.  Also who doesn't love it when Diggle and Felicity interacts, and his bringing her coffee because he knows the hours she has spent working.    In the end, Oliver had to admit that he needs help, and it was Diggle who brought that point home, when  he said,  "The best of partnerships are built on forgiveness."  Both Oliver and Diggle at various times have had to forgive each other.  Both men had learn  this.  Oliver and Felicity had to  learn forgiveness. The essence of a relationship is the willingness to admit when you're wrong.

Image result for Arrow Divided 610 images      NTA:  Oliver brings everyone together and he shares from his heart, that he was wrong to  be so hard the new team and he was sorry.  He wants their forgiveness.  He wants to start fresh.  But the new team act like spoiled brats. Felicity's line earlier when she and Diggle had to tell them they had  been  compromised by Cayden James, and that Vincent worked for James, seemed so accurate and to the point.  It was my favorite line of the evening, "You don't get to be mad a Daddy..."  They  were acting like  out of line teenagers.  So they won't forgive Oliver because he spied on them.  Hmmm, didn't Curtis, put a tracker in Felicity's food once so he could track her?  Didn't Dinah meet with Vincent and not tell team?  And Rene, he turns state's evidence on Oliver, who  helped him  get his daughter back.  Couldn't he have told Oliver what he was pressured to do?  Wouldn't Oliver have understood?  These people have a lot to learn.  Remember how much Oliver had to learn  when  he began to be the Arrow?  This NTA are going to have to learn a lot too, and I think they will find out that working with and alongside Oliver might be a better option.  Don't we all wish they would grow up?

Image result for Thea and Lance images                    Lance and Thea:  Thea's  father figure is Lance, and she tries to understand his loss over his Laurel, but this Laurel isn't his Laurel.  That's what they forget. Thea tells Lance that in end Malcolm changed and so could Laurel.  That logic is faulty, because Malcolm wasn't from another earth. Laurel isn't their  Laurel, and she's  from another earth with another background that is nothing like they Laurel Lance they knew.  I'm guessing this is the  writers' beginning the bring about a redemption of her,but I for one, am not in favor of it. 

Other thoughts:  Black Siren's kiss seemed so ludicrous to me. It made me laugh.  I just am so done with this character.  At least Oliver didn't think  twice about tying her up.  Will Dinah be able to turn Vincent?  I think NTA starting their own lair will in the beginning play in James's hand.  Keeping Felicity in the same dress for the whole show, shows how many hours she has  worked; she couuldn't even go home to change.


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