Arrow: Looking Ahead!

I don't know about you, but the disagreements  that OTA has with NTA should come to an end.  This part of the season has begun to get a bit tiresome for this viewer.  I hope they  will resolve  their differences soon, and one way to do  that is for Oliver to be in a situation  that he can't get out of without their help.

   Image result for arrow 616 promotional images   Coming up in 616 we know the Thanatos Guild wants some box that Malcolm buried and they think Thea has it as she is heir to the Demon.  If you search my blog, I wrote about this previously.

In 617 Oliver and Diggle will face their biggest challenge yet.

In 618 the title changed from Back to Basics to Fundamentals, and this is an all Oliver concentric episode, and the one where he lashes out at Felicity and William. Form what I understand there will be flashbacks to  previous seasons in this episode. 

619, the title is The Dragon, so my guess would be this will focus on Diaz.

6.20 the title is Shifting Allegiances  This holds a whole realm of possibilities:  Will it be the full redemption of Black Siren?  Will the team finally all be together?

Image result for arrow jean loring    6.21  I don't have a title but Stephen Amell has tweeted that Felicity, Jean, William Rene, Zoe, and John will be featured. In case you have forgotten, Jean Loring is Oliver's attorney.  Hmmm looks like a great episode there, doesn't it? Possible court room scene?

Image result for Oliver and felicity images      I have read that one upcoming episode has Oliver lashing out both Felicity and William.  Hmm Old Oliver back?  The brooding, "I can't do anything to help the city," Oliver?  Perhaps.  I  know some people find that annoying  and  others think it will end Olicity's days, but I couldn't disagree more.  People are who they are at their core.  Yes, they can and  do change, but there are moments that overcome someone, and they revert  back to a basic instinct.  Oliver's basic instinct is to brood and push people away.  So, if that happens it would not alarm me.  Would  Felicity  possibly  move back into her loft and give Oliver the space  he needs, maybe.  She knows  him better than anyone else, and I  could see her doing that.  I could also see her staying and  doing that as well.  Every couple has disagreements, and after all  Oliver and Felicity have been  through, I can't see either of them quitting on each other.  Temporarily, maybe, but not forever.

Oliver posted a picture of a door, and many assumed that would  be Felicity's door, but it looks to me like it is Rene's door.  The team will be reunited.  Let's hope it's sooner rather than later.  


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