Redemption of Black Siren?

Image result for Black siren arrow imagesImage result for Echo Kellum and Katie cassidy pose for arrow pictures #TerrificSiren  Teases and spoilers abound but one that I find both the most interesting and most troubling is the one about the redemption of  Black  Siren.  Wendy Mericle has stated that Black  Siren will be a little tougher in the opening of season 6, a  little meaner even, however, with Quentin Lance there, it is possible that the team may want to find a way to find the Laurel Lance they knew and loved inside Black Siren.

Echo Kellum and Katie Cassidy posed together for an Arrow cast picture, leading some to speculate that Curtis, who has a kind heart, will  want to also find the good in Black Siren and they may form some sort of alliance.

The storyline would be interesting to see if  the Earth two doppelganger could be redeemed.  If I saw someone that looked like my father, but who had a totally different personality, I would be tempted to see if I could find my father in that person.  However, do we need the old  Laurel Lance back?   If so, why get rid of her in the first place?  It would almost seem like they were toying  with the strong Laurel Lance fans who  wanted to see her  and Oliver together.  Would that not give fans false hope?  But, it's not my story to tell.  I do think that Katie Cassidy plays a better villain than she did a heroine, but that's just one person's opinion.


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