Dinah Drake

             The Christian  Post has reported that the team members will have doubts about Dinah Drake.  Can  they really trust her after she  has  seen Vincent Sobel, aka, Vigilante?  She has told the team that she  didn't reveal any information  to him, but do they know that even as they have split and Curtis and Rene have gone with  Dinah, that Dinah has continued to see Vincent?  If they find out what will they think?  Does anyone yet know that Vincent works with James? 
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Working with James will make Vincent more powerful that he ever was alone, and what will Dinah do when she finds out?

They say it will probably take something quite drastic for Dinah to prove to everyone she now cares for that she truly wants to be with the team.

You can read the article and view the trailer on this link :

What do you think?  Will the team give her another chance?


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