Christmas to Remember (all parts together )2018 Fan Fiction

    Image result for Olicity ChristmasFelicity paced back and forth at the C gate arrivals, while looking at her phone.  Oliver sat watching  her.  He glanced  at his watch, and the man sitting next to him said, "That little blonde's nervous about something.  Wonder who she's waiting for? My guess is a boyfriend."

"Wrong guess," said  Oliver, "she's waiting for our son."  Oliver got up and went over to her.                    "Felicity, calm down, you're making me nervous."

"The plane's late, but I've looked at the updates, and  it doesn't mention it's late."  Oliver said, let's go see if we can find out anything at the information center." Just as they headed that way, they heard,  "Dad, Dad, Felicity," and they saw William running to them.  They all hugged, and Felicity had  tears in her eyes.  William said, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just glad to see you."  Oliver looked at her, and it hit him all over again, how much his  decision had cost her.  He had  gotten over the shock of seeing her so  terrified that she actually had a gun in  her hand.  That was not his Felicity, but he realized in the last few weeks, the the high cost she paid for  his decision.  He wondered what he  would see in William; what had this all cost him?

"Why was everyone so late  in deboarding?" Felicity anxiously asked.

"I don't know, some guy on the plane had acted weird, and we were all told to stay in our seats, and then the captain let all the children off the plane with their parents, and the steward came over and told me I could go."

"Let's go  get your bags and  go home," said  Oliver.

"Where is home now, dad?"

"It's very safe, William. I've worked on a new safety code, and this one works, plus I've got new curtains that can withstand  bullets and arrows. You will be safe."  Oliver put his arm around Felicity, and  said, "She's keeping us  both safe, son."  Felicity smiled  at Oliver and took his hand.  Oliver knew she needed  to know he stood beside her, even though at times he didn't understand and was  confused.

The apartment was decorated for Christmas, or as Felicity called it the Holiday.  She and Oliver had gotten a big tree, but waited  until William got home to decorate it so they could  do it together.  She had her menorah up even though Chanukah had just ended.  William seemed excited that they had a tree and had not decorated  it yet.  Oliver made hot cocoa with marshmallows on the top and they began to decorate the tree.  Oliver smiled as he saw Felicity relax and  laugh with William.  There was a knock on the door, and  William jumped behind Felicity.  Oliver realized that William too had been affected by all Diaz had done.  Seeing William scared jarred him. He felt more compelled than ever that he had to keep these two people safe.  He went to the door.  He looked at Felicity and she nodded.  Oliver said, "Who is it?"  They could hear Rene and Zoe's voices, so they all relaxed, and Oliver opened the door.  Zoe and William went in the kitchen for more hot cocoa, and set to work on decorating the tree, while Rene wanted to talk to Oliver and Felicity.

"I  thought you  should know," he whispered so the children couldn't hear, "that Diaz is getting released today."

"No, that can't be. He's  in prison.  Oliver you said  he's  in prison."

"Felicity's right, that can't be."

"I heard it from a reliable source.  No one was going to tell you, but I think you two need to know. I made mistakes before in keeping something from you and I'm never going to do that again." Felicity looked panicked.  Rene said that he was willing to help them anyway he could.  Felicity said, "I don't know what I would have done without Rene.  When  I got out of witness protection, he let me stay with him, and he's been there for me." Oliver seemed surprised.  You mean you  didn't stay with John and Lyla?   I thought that's where you would have stayed."

"John wasn't keen on my staying out of witness protection.  He made it clear he wasn't happy with me.  He tried to tell me that you would never come back, and I couldn't get used to that ever. I had to fight to bring you home."

"Thank you Rene for taking care of my wife. I would have thanked you sooner."

"No worries, Hoss, I was glad to do it, but what are we going to do about Diaz."

"I can't believe that it's true.  I'm going to call Digg and see if ARGUS can check into it. It's got to be a rumor."  Oliver got up and  went into his bedroom to make a call.   He wasn't in long, and came out.  He's got his phone off.  We'll have to wait. I'm sure it's got to be wrong.  Where did you hear this, Rene?"

Before Rene could answer, William came over all excited.  "Zoe said  there's  going to be Christmas carnival in the  Glades tonight.  There's all kinds of things going on, even a contest as to which family can roll the biggest snowball."

Felicity tapped Oliver's arm, "Let's go, nobody's balls are as big as  yours.  Wait, that didn't come  out right."She wrinkled  her forehead, closed  her  eyes, tapped. her head, "why can't I get by brain and my  mouth coordinated?" Oliver gave that smile he  always gave when Felicity made those  gaffs.

"Don't you think we should check into what Rene told us?"

Felicity pointed to William and  Zoe, and said, "go finish the  tree, and then we can go."
After the children  rushed to finish  the  tree, she said,  "Oliver, if Diaz were released from prison, John would be the first to tell us."

"She has a point, Hoss, I probably shouldn't have said anything.  Let's go the Christmas carnival and see if  Zoe and I can beat you and William."

"Hey, what about me?  I'm pretty good at making a snowballs and we should make a  snow-woman!"
Oliver hadn't seen Felicity  this relaxed  in a long while, or was she putting on a front for Williams's  sake?    Perhaps she had  a  point John would  surely  have  told them something about Diaz.

Part  2:  "Go, Willliam! Go Oliver! you can do  it," Felicity  cheered.  Zoe and Rene rolled snow pretty fast, and it looked as though they might win, but out of the blue came another family who  actually won.  Oliver and William and  Rene and Zoe tied for  second place.  Everyone cheered, and William and Oliver came over carrying  a big  stuffed snowman.  "For you my dear," they said bowing, and Felicity took it with joy.  Rene and Zoe were right behind them.  Zoe said, "Dad, can I show  Will the gym?  Rene looked at Oliver and he said, "sure, but come back here  in twenty  minutes.  Felicity said, "Zoe's been good for William."  Oliver was about to  say something  when he was interrupted by Dinah.  "I suppose Rene's told you that Diaz  will be  working with  ARGUS?"

Felicity  looked shocked, but Oliver  spoke first, "He said  he might be getting  out of prison, but not that  he would work for ARGUS. Are you  sure?"

"I heard  it from Mayor  Pollard  herself."

"That can't be.  John would never allow that, right Oliver?"  Felicity looked scared again.

"I don't know.  John's not exactly who I thought he was and things I'm learning have frustrated a little.  Don't anyone  say anything to William or Zoe."

When William  and Zoe returned,  they all said their goodbyes and  each went home.  Oliver  promised  to touch  base with Rene the  next day.

As Felicity fixed  their supper,  William and Oliver sat in the living room  talking. "Dad, since  Diaz is in prison, can I come home?  I like the school, but I  want to be home with you and Felicity.  Zoe  told me there is a  new Green Arrow, so people  should leave you alone now."

"I don't know, son. There might be people trying to  come  after me and those I love.  I don't want you to be in fear  like  you were before."

"Felicity  saved  me  the last time, she told me to run, and Dad, I was afraid he  was going to kill her, but Mr.  Diggle tried to stop him."

"I'm sorry  that my decision caused  you and Felicity to  face these things."

"We survived, Oliver and we'll get through these  things together."

Later that night, Oliver lay in bed;  Felicity asleep in his  arms. He brushed  his hand across Felicity's face.  He didn't know he was capable of  so  much  love for one woman.    He couldn't stop thinking  about Diaz possibly working  for ARGUS.  John wouldn't allow that, but then again  he had counted  on John taking care of  Felicity.  He quietly  got up.  He checked on  William, and then he left the apartment to  go speak  with John.  On  the drive there  he found himself angry and  frustrated at himself and at John.  He stood in front  of John's door a  good five minutes before ringing the  bell.  John opened the door and without thinking Oliver threw a punch.  Diggle fell back startled. "What the hell was that for?

"For not taking care  of my family. I trusted you with them, and  now I find out that Felicity had to turn to  Rene.  I want to know about Diaz, is he working with ARGUS?"

Lyla  came to the door, and said, "We can't talk about it Oliver.  You of all people should know how important it is to keep things close to the vest."

John and Lyla  told Oliver to come in and  then told him that Diaz was  the  only  one who could help them, and he would be under their close watch and supervision. "Do you know,"  said Oliver, what this will do to Felicity and William, if they know he's going to out?"

"Don't tell them," said Lyla.

"I can't believe you're saying that.  I am not keeping that from  them.  You damn  well  better not lose sight of  him, because if  he get's anywhere near my family, it will be the last time he's sees anything." With that he turned and  left.

He came  back into the apartment and  made sure the security system worked,  and then  crawled back  into bed.  Felicity rolled over and he curled close to her pulling her  closer to him. He  lay awake thinking about his family.  He had to keep  them  safe, and  he  wanted a  wonderful Christmas  for them. He  had almost come to dread Christmas.  Four years ago he  had proposed to Felicity  and then  she was shot.  Now she and William faced more danger.  Christmas was  about  peace on earth, when  would  he  ever find it for his family?  Oliver had  determined  this would be a Christmas to remember.  Listening to Felicity's  soft breathing lulled him to sleep.

Part 3 Coming December 21st Stayed Tuned :)

Felicity woke up and watched Oliver sleeping.  She thought she might never have the opportunity again to have this moment, so just watched him.  He woke up and smiled, "come here, " he whispered, and she kissed him, and she clung to him and and thought she would never let go, but William came into the room, looking scared.  "Dad, there's a beeping sound coming from the security system. Oliver jumped out of bed followed by Felicity, and they heard something at the doorknob.  Felicity went to her computer and said, "Mom?"  She could see Donna looking all around, "Where are you honey?"

"Mom? Mom, what are you doing here?"

"Felicity, let's just open the door and ask her to come in."  William started laughing.  "I guess Grandma decided to pay us a visit."  Felicity rolled her eyes. "That's all I need she mumbled." Oliver seemed pleased she was here and greeted her warmly.

"Hi, son!  I'm glad your home.  William, come here and give me a hug."  William complied with her wishes.  He never knew any grandparents before and Donna  was a little different, but she was someone he truly cared about.  "So, Mom, why didn't let us know you were coming?"

"Oh, I did sweetie, I texted you yesterday. Here I'll show you."  She got her phone, fumbled with it a minute or two, and then said, "see, here it is."  Felicity looked at it, and said, "Mom, see this arrow like thing, you have to push that to send the message."

"Oh, isn't that cute, I thought it was a symbol of you and Oliver."  Oliver whispered in Felicity's ear, "are you sure she's your mother?"  Then to everyone said, "Happy you're here with us Donna,  and just in time for breakfast."

"I wondered if you would let me take William out to breakfast.  You and Felicity could come too of course, but I thought it would be fun to take William to the mall for a little gramma and grandson time."  Felicity wasn't sure she liked that idea, but Oliver said yes, so as soon as William got ready they were gone.  Oliver fixed breakfast for Felicity and then said, "I'm glad Donna came, because it gives me a chance to talk to you. I saw John and Lyla last night, and they said that they needed Diaz's help on case."

Felicity looked a little scared at first, "What! Why would they do that and not tell us?"

"They said they couldn't tell us, but they would have Diaz under close scrutiny, and  he would be with them at all times.He didn't want me to tell you, but I told him that I wasn't keeping secrets from you anymore.  I don't know if we should tell William, especially if we send him back to Cambridge."  Felicity's blue eyes filled with tears, and she took Oliver's hand.  "I really wanted him to stay home.  You work for SCPD now, so I thought maybe we could have a real chance to be a family without fear."

Oliver squeezed her small hand tenderly and said, "I wish we could, but I don't trust Diaz, and I am not sure I can trust ARGUS.  I don't know what we should do." Oliver looked at Felicity.  She looked tired, and he hadn't seen her so emotional before.  She picked up the plates to head back into the kitchen, but Oliver put his hand upon her arm, looked at her with longing  and said, "Wait, we have some unfinished business to take care of,  he stood and kissed her longingly, and they headed to the bedroom.

They had  decided to tell William the truth about Diaz.  Oliver didn't want to, but Felicity insisted.  She said, "My parents kept so  many  things from me, and it caused me not to trust them, especially my father. The things my mother kept from me, were silly things, that would  have helped  me if  I had known."  Oliver asked her what she meant, and she  said, "Well, I wanted to  go to science camp so bad, but my mother  wouldn't let me.  She told me some story that I couldn't believe, but you know what the real reason was?  Oliver shook his head.  It was because she didn't have the money.  She really wanted  me to go, but she couldn't afford it. I resented  not being able to go for a long time, but if she'd told me I would  have understood.  Kids understand more than we think Oliver.  With all that he's been through, he needs to know the truth.  So, after supper  that night, they told both Donna  and  William about Diaz. William gave his Dad a hug and told  him, "Thanks, Dad,  for telling  me the truth." Donna  looked  worried, but as she  always did, she  found a way to lighten the mood, "Well, we have the Green Arrow and and  Overlord,  with us, so we'll be fine."

"Overwatch, Mom, I'm Overwatch."  Oliver and William laughed and  they all joined in.
"Wait, I'm still Overwatch, right, I mean, you are with SCPD now, and  maybe I'm not needed?

"Oh baby, you'll  always  be needed," said Oliver  reaching out for her hand.  Donna  wished that she had  someone who had loved  her the way Oliver loved  her daughter.  Things might have been so different for them.

It was two days before Christmas and things ran smoothly. Oliver's work with the SCPD seemed to reap rewards, and coming out as the unmasked Green Arrow appeared to stop some of the crime waves.  Rene worked behind the scenes and he prepared to run for a vacant seat on the town council. Zoe spent time with William and the two of them became good friends.  Felicity even found Donna to be a big help, but Oliver continued to worry about Felicity.  She looked pale, and got less sleep these days.  She worked hard on her new start-up security business, but  Oliver wasn't sure that work alone was the cause.  If he fussed over her, she became angry at him.  It reminded him of the time Oliver thought she  had thought about leaving him for Ray, when Ray had been captured by Damion Dhark.  He could never quite believe that he had any right to happiness with Felicity at all. Everything seemed quiet and good, and in the back of Oliver's mind, this bothered him the most, but he shoved all negative thoughts out.

Felicity had  gotten up right after Oliver because she wanted to make an apple pie for Christmas.  William loved apple pies, and she wanted to do it herself.  Oliver gave her pointers, but she insisted on doing  it herself.  The kitchen was  a fiasco.  The first pie dough failed, and the second one wasn't much better, but the more Oliver tried to help her the worse more frustrated she got. She told Oliver to leave, but before he did, he warned  Donna  and William to avoid the kitchen  for a while.  She turned on YouTube, found  a video, and followed it.  She  did it, and  20 apples, 6 mixing bowls, and 6 pie plates later, she had a pretty  decent looking  apple pie.  She stood in the kitchen staring at the horrible miss of  dishes, and flour and sugar, cinnamon, and nutmegs everywhere.  Donna and  William came out.  William  said, your glasses have flour on them.  Felicity, just gave him a hug, handed the dish towel to Donna, and  mumbled, "I'm taking a shower.    "Smells wonderful, honey, " said  Donna, and looked at William  who just smiled. "Dad's  the  chef,".

 Felicity spent the rest  of  the morning on her new security project, and William and Donna had been  playing a video game together. She needed to wrap the last of her presents.  She  had a headache that made her  head throb.

Meanwhile Oliver spent some time at SCPD.  Mayor Pollard wanted to talk to talk to him.   She wasn't happy to have  a vigilante on the payroll considering she was the one had created the anti-vigilante task force in the first place. Pollard had risen from councilwoman to mayor in the 7 months Oliver had been in prison.  She seemed to resent Oliver, and his intuition told him  not to trust her. "I'm going to find a  way to put you back into prison, Mr. Queen."

"I'm  confident from all my  lawyers told  me,  Mayor, you're  going to have  a rather difficult time of  it."  She scowled at that put, but Oliver looked  at his  phone.  The message from Digg,  said, "Diaz  got away from us..."   There was more, but Oliver, turned  and said, "I have to go."


Felicity's computer began  to flash  at her, and  the  word  Disarmed appeared across  her scree.  Immediately she  jumped up. "Mom! William! go right now behind the curtains.  Mom hang onto William and don't let him move."

William's  frightened voice said, "What's wrong."

"The security is  disarmed. Go now."

Quickly Donna and  William  ran behind the  dark blue, heavy as a  knight's mail, curtains. Felicity  reached in her purse and  pulled a gun just as the  door came open and Ricardo Diaz  walked  in with his own gun pointed at Felicity.  "If you  don't think I will use it this time, you're mistaken," Diaz saw her hand  slightly shake, "Oh,  I  know you'll use this time, but I'm going to let you shoot first, and then you can go to prison, or I  might just," and Diaz quickly turned and  pointed  the gun at the place  Donna and  William hid, shoot this way."

"It  won't do you any good, Diaz, they're safe."

"Or so you think, you see, Felicity, I'm patient, and  you're not.  I know you have, or thought you have bullet-proofed  them, but you see, I've developed bullets that can  penetrate that coat of mail you have wrapped them in."

"No, you haven't. You're not that smart."  This made Diaz visibly angry.  His facial muscles tensed, and his jaw squared firm, "Would you like to see?  Who do you want to  die first, your mother or your stepson."

At that Felicity poised the gun straight at Diaz's head, and just as she prepared to pull the trigger, Oliver was behind  Diaz with his own gun.  Oliver, let me shoot him.  He's going to hurt us or try to over and over until he's dead.  The government can't even protect us. She lifted the  gun, and Oliver gently said, "Fe-lic-ity, you don't want to do this,"

"No, she doesn't," came Laurel's voice, "but I do, " and shots fired, and  Diaz went down.  Laurel fired 5 shots into his body  before she stopped.  "He killed the only person on any earth who ever really showed  me love.  He killed my father.  He was mine to kill.  Now he won't hurt anyone ever  again. Oliver ran over to Felicity, and she dropped the gun to the floor and wept in Oliver's arms, and he  wept too.  He came  so  close to losing Felicity once before, he didn't think  he could  stand to lose  her again.  Not any  part of  her.  If she  had killed Diaz, she  would  have lost a  part of her soul.  Donna and William came out from behind  the curtain, and  went to Oliver and  Felicity.  They held each  other close.

SCPD came and cuffed Laurel.  Felicity went to her, and said, "We will help you to  get cleared of these charges.  Laurel said, "Not with  Pollard  as Mayor you  won't, but it was worth  it to me.

John and Lyla felt that they knew a way to get Laurel cleared, but they said, now was not the time to share it.


Following a tradition that William's mother started, they all went to church  on Christmas Eve for candlelight service.  Donna  said,  "That was  a beautiful service."

"I  know, it always makes me feel like my mother is there.  Felicity hugged  him and said, "She is, William."

Donna  put a  plate of  cookies and a glass of  milk on the coffee  table, and  Felicity looked at her as  if to say, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"They're for Santa."  Felicity rolled  her eyes, and wondered  how to tell her mother that William was too old to believe in Santa Claus.  But Oliver taking a cookie said, "Thanks, Mom, let's open presents tonight. I think we deserve to open the gifts early, because this has been one hell of a year."  We've come through a lot, and we'll probably go  through a lot more, but I want this to be the Christmas we all remember 20 years from now."  He glanced at Felicity, and she looked so tired and pale that he had to put worry out of his  mind. "Everyone else want to open presents now."

"Let's wait until midnight."  Felicity  got up and left the room.  It was almost midnight, so everyone agreed.  When she came back  in she had a box gift wrapped, and  placed under the tree.  "That has to be opened last," she said.

All presents opened  but the last one under the tree.  Everyone had forgotten about it.  They were all laughing and having a good  time, for once  Donna had  gotten everyone practical gifts that were very nice.  Felicity sat admiring  her earrings, when Oliver said, "Well, who gets the last the package?"

"Why don't you look and see," said Felicity.

He got the box, and it said,  "To all the family, Love, Mrs. Claus."

"Hmm," said Oliver smiling, which one opens it?"

"Oh, you all should," so Donna,  Oliver, and William each tore some wrapping  paper  off, On the top of the box it said, "September 2019"   "What does that mean, Felicity?" Questioned William.  "Look under the paper."  Donna jumped up and  down and  started  screaming. William looked  confused, and then Oliver pulled  out a stick that said, "pregnant"  He looked at Felicity, and she shook her head yes, and then Oliver pulled  her close and tears came to his eyes.  "Is this why you look so pale?"
"I don't know that I look pale, but I've been sick and in case you didn't notice a bit cranky." The Doctor said, it's all a part of  it.

William looked confused.  "Will someone tell me what this gift is all about, I'm confused."

Oliver said, "You're going to have brother."

"Or a sister,"  said  Felicity.  She searched his face.  She worried about his reaction the most. "Wow, that's great! I've always wanted a sibling.

After Donna had settled  down and  gone to bed, and  William had  finally drifted off  to sleep after asking a million questions and begging to stay in Star City, Oliver and Felicity sat on the sofa looking at the tree with it's lights twinkling and looking happy and bright.  "Felicity, I'm so happy.  I hope you are too. I know you wanted to wait, but .." She kissed Oliver and said, "As long as we  are together then I'm happy.  You are my happiness."

Oliver got his wish,  this would be a Christmas to remember.


  1. Seriously, you had Laurel kill Diaz. It should have been Felicity. That was lame.

  2. Nonny, I am sorry you were disappointed with the ending of my story. One of my readers told me that it would have been wrong for Felicity to have killed Diaz, because she would have had to deal with the guilt. I agree with that. It's time they had some peace. Laurel had lived with the guilt of killing, and can certainly handle it better. At least in this writer's mind it works for the best. Felicity and Oliver can walk in the light now.

  3. I loved this!
    Laurel killing Diaz was perfect, neither Oliver nor Felicity have to deal with the guilt of another death on their hands and Laurel got her revenge while showing her hero side. Plus someone finally got justice for Quentin. I was soooooo happy to see someone punch Diggle. I love him and I feel a.little guilty saying that but he let way too much happen to his supposed little sister.

    1. Dear Lady_Phoenix,
      Sorry it took so long to thank you for your comment! It's been a bit crazy around here. I appreciate your comments and I'm happy to read that you like the way I got rid of Diaz. :) I too, think it would be wrong for Felicity to kill him. I am also happy that I was not alone in wanting Diggle to receive come kind of notice that he was not a very good friend to either Felicity or Oliver. Thank you for taking the time to read the story and write your comments. They are appreciated.


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