The Ending of the Crossover and Wow

 Image result for felicity hugging oliver from crisis on earth x         I am going to cut to the chase and say, wow, what an ending to a crossover that was more like a movie than part  of  a weekly series, and THEY ARE MARRIED, FINALLY AND LEGALLY Since I don't watch Legends and am not familiar with all it's characters, in this blog today I going to focus on the people who inhabit Central City and Star City, from Flash and Arrow.  Also part of that reason is that I have a heavy teaching day with four classes and 3 violin students and a rehearsal with a junior ensemble. My day is busy so this may be brief. 

I was a bit disappointed that we didn't see much Cisco or Diggle in this crossover event.  They are two special people.  When we see Harry Wells in the "prison" for want of a better word, bouncing that ball, I thought of the movie the Great Escape with Steve McQueen doing that, and to me that foreshadowed their getting out.    

Image result for Crisis on earth x images felicity and Iris         Iris and Felicity:  They are interesting pair of women.  They worked well together, and of course when they maneuver though the vents to get to where they needed to be and bring down the bad guys with guns, I loved that.  Two smart intelligent women who have no super powers get the Nazis.  Did you enjoy the gun bump instead of a fist bump?  I did.  Iris functions at the Star Labs in much the same way Felicity does in the bunker in Star City.  I don't fully understand why the writers did this.  She has no background for it.  Felicity is an MIT graduate and knows computers and programming and how it all works.  Arrow has totally given us the background for this.  However, I have trouble believing Iris could do this.  She has her degree in journalism and has shown herself to be an excellent reporter. So why the career change?  This had never seemed plausible to me.  What are your thoughts.  No matter that, they held the day at Star Labs and was able to rescue Supergirl from Kara X, and their scenes together worked so well.  I loved the talk Felicity had with Iris, and I think it was partly due to Iris that Felicity eventually gets a change of heart.  Felicity said, "At least you and arry left on good terms.  The last thing I said to Oliver was, "I don't want to marry you," and now he's stuck in Nazi world?  

When the doppelganger, Oliver X, shows up and demands that Felicity give them the code, was I wrong or was the code Jonas?  That's Oliver's middle name.  If so, it's probably not a secure code, but still it was fun anyway. 

Image result for Crisis on earth x images           When the Kara X tells Oliver X to kill Felicity,  it had me on the edge of my seat.  I knew she wasn't going to die, still, it seemed odd to see Oliver point the arrow at her.  I loved her line when she said that she her grandparents had survived the Holocaust, and proceeds to tell Oliver X where to go.  She didn't see her Oliver in him.  She knows her Oliver.  Remember in  season 3 she kept telling the team that "wasn't my Oliver."There was no hesitation.  Then Oliver showed up and Ray and Oliver X leaves.  Felicity rushes to her Oliver and gives him the biggest hug I've ever seen.  She tells Oliver she's sorry. She tells him that she loves him.  

Barry and Iris:  When Barry and Iris meet after the big battle and the Nazis are defeated, Barry rushes to be with Iris, and they decide not wait to set a big wedding date, they opt for a Judge and a simple wedding.  They are ready to be together. Oliver and Felicity are with them, and Felicity mentions that Diggle was licensed to legally marry people, and Barry and Iris both said they wanted it legal. So Barry as Flash brings back Diggle.  Diggle is always blown away by Barry's speed, and vomits, which of course is not just hiliarous, but the viewer says, "Like, I would totally do that too."  I thought their vows were sweet.  Barry had life filled with constant change from the time he was a child, but Iris remained the one constant in his life.  She is his home.Then Iris has her turn, and she tells about a dance recital that she got so nervous she couldn't perform, but Barry came to her rescue and they performed it perfectly together.  But before John pronounces them married....

Image result for felicity hugging oliver from crisis on earth x         Oliver and Felicity:  Felicity witnessing this says, Wait.  In her cute, awkward way, she asks,  Oliver will you marry me?  Oliver looks so surprised yet so eager. Oliver thought she didn't want marriage, but Felicity says, "My biggest fear is losing you."  Oliver of course said yes.  Diggle asks if they have vows, and they liked the Allen's vows, but then Felicity said, we did this once before, and Oliver says, "I'm a better human being just for loving you."  Felicity asks John if it's okay, and then John gives the line the whole audience thinks, "I've waiting 6 years to get you guys to do this."
So my ship is married, finally!  I had a suspicion they might do it this way, and I thought I would be disappointed, but I wasn't.  This wedding suited them in many different ways.  Tomorrow, in my blog, that's what I plan on writing about.  I will list points why this was so good for them.

Now we wait to see what the season holds for them.  Will Donna appear and be disappointed?  Will William accept the fact that he wasn't there to be a part of things?  What are your thoughts?

Odds and Ends:  Lance X made for quite an evil Nazi.  Melissa Benoist played Kara X to perfection. Her two characters couldn't have been more different.

Both the Allens and the Queens had a similar theme going for each couple: Home was the one they loved.  So I will include the words to Home to you,,, because they so fit .

I get up and battle the day
Things don't always go my way
It might rain but that's okay
I get to come home to you
Sometimes life may get me down
And I get tired of getting kicked around
I feel lost in this maddening crowd
But I get to come home to you
You are my best friend
And you are where my heart is
And I know at the day's end
I get to come home to you
Hanging out in our old sweatshirts
You let me complain about a hard day's work
I don't know what I did to deserve
To get to come home to you
You are my best friend
And you


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