A Little Clarity for Shippers

    Image result for Marc Guggenheim               I read recently that Marc Guggenheim became upset over the the shippers that gave him a difficult time and wrote him some pretty bad tweets.  Many came from the Lauriver fans, but sadly many have come from Olicity fans.  In my opinion, and this blog,  of  course, is all about my opinion, both fans are equally wrong.

There is something all fans should know and  that fans do not dictate  the story.  The writers write the story they are compelled to write because of the  way the story takes them.  Unless you write, even for yourself, you know may not believe this is true. I love to  write, and I have written all kinds of stories mostly  for my children when they were  young, and I can tell you that you may  begin a story one way, but as you progress, you find the  story taking a different path than the one you originally intended.  I sympathize with the Lauriver  fans.  They liked Laurel  and Oliver as a couple.  Personally I couldn't see them as a couple.  I came in on the middle of the story, so perhaps that made a difference.  I am and always will be an Olicity shipper.  I think they belong together, and I have always felt the story was taking them down that path.   Guggenheim said that he broke them apart too fast, and that I can clearly see is fact. He did.  But because they are apart, is no reason to rant on the writer.  He only goes where the story takes him. We are along for the story wherever it takes us,  and if  not, then we should leave the story behind, and find a story we can like and follow.

For me,  I am in for the long  haul, because I believe that Felicity is a huge part of  Oliver's journey. I believe they will be together in the end, because I so far see nothing in the story that leads otherwise. Oliver may be with Susan for a season, maybe more; Felicity may be with Malone, but in the end I believe Oliver and Felicity will be together in the end.  If not, I will still follow the story, because the story hasn't failed.

No matter whom we ship, we need to respect the writers.  To rant and rail because the story doesn't agree with us, is unfair.  Marc Guggenheim has always supported Olicity and I see no change in that, especially after the 100th episode.  It was Felicity  on the step that Oliver looked upon and regretted losing.  It will be Felicity he wins back.  Rebound relationships never last.

I encourage the readers of the this blog to be respectful of the story and the writers who give it to us.

Okay, my rant is over. :)


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