The Vodka Connection: Oliver and Susan (Sorry to put them together)

So, I've been thinking about 509, What We Leave Behind.  When Oliver went to see Susan Williams the camera focused long and hard on the bottle of vodka; it was Russian.  I thought it might have been the same as Oliver brought out in season 2, but it wasn't.
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From Season 2

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From 509

But this does tell me that Susan has a Russian connection.  I don't think it's from a strictly reporters angle either.  She knows something or is it..dun, dun dun, ... someone?

Displaying 14816453622461895711958.jpg  Here is Konstantin Kovar, and look at the swords behind him.  Do they look familiar to you?  They seem to resemble the ones Prometheus uses.   Wasn't Kovar also trained by the League of Assassins?  What if during Barry's stupid Flashpoint, the Lazarus pit was never destroyed and Kovar took a dip in it and stayed young.  I remember Oliver saying that the kind of movements Prometheus used in fighting was familiar to him. Could Susan know Prometheus?  Could she be aiding him in some way? Or, is she just a great reporter hot on a trail?  

She's keeping secrets from Oliver to be sure.  We know that the Kovar story isn't played out.  We know the Viktor story isn't done either is it? Is Susan perhaps connected to him?  I know that the writers would not have had the focus so long on that bottle if it hadn't been important. There is something there.  Can't wait for January 25th.

Just sayin':  I have read that Laurel Lance is Resurrected somehow and she isn't the Earth 2 Black Siren Laurel.  So Barry had to go back and give us Flashpoint.  Which must mean the Lazarus Pit is not destroyed.  Also heard that Talia Al Ghul is coming, and wonder if she is connected some way to Kovar, Viktor, Susan, for all of them?  Food for thought y'all. 


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