End of Legends a Fitting end to the 100th Arrow Episode.

One of the things that I like best about Arrow is how you can relate to it.
A good story has compelling characters that are  not one dimensional.  I never thought I  would
watch a superhero show, but this one is different.  Oliver's journey towards being a hero has
not been easy.  He has known disappointment, betrayal by those he  loved most, and he has lost
those whom he has loved most.  He has a a piece of himself, yet in the losing, he has found the better part of himself.  Oliver  admits he  would have been happy, but not full.  A happy life cannot take the place of a full, rich life. To appreciate the light, you have to know the darkness.  Oliver has known that darkness, and he found  a different way.  The heartaches in his  life taught him what it means to have a full life.  A full life means to know  the joys as well as the sorrows, to embrace the good, meaningful times, so that in the dark times, you have something to hold onto.  The end of the Legends part  of the crossover, seemed a  sweet ending to the 100th episode.  It honored the hero's journey part of the show.   A hero isn't perfect; a hero is simply courageous in times of darkness, because it is  the right thing to do.  Barry  is learning  that difficult lesson.  He hasn't had the dark times that Oliver has  known, and Flashpoint has shown him the dark side of himself he didn't know he had.

I have always felt the writers  had used Felicity as a point of light  for Oliver.  Now, I think Oliver is learning how to find the light himself.  I hope the story continues as it began in season one with Oliver finding Felicity and that one day they can together be heroes  for each other.





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