Why Episode 520 of Arrow is so Important

Image result for arrow 520 Underneath images   Last year when Felicity walked away, she thought Oliver would never change. She thought that he would never let her in on a part of his life.  Ever since then, there has been a distance between them, a void.  They've tried to fill that void with other people, but that didn't satisfy.   When the episode 519 ended, it appeared they were at different places.  They aren't, but it seemed that way.  Now they will be forced to face what they haven't wanted to face.  Oliver knows now what it's like to be on the outside of someone's life, and not be able to do anything.  Felicity knows what it is like bear the whole burden alone.  That will be the starting point.  They will talk and then finally, hopefully, we shall have the two people we care for in the place that keep them together.       I hope one of the things they talk about is why didn't Oliver go after her?


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