Arrow 521 Review Honor Thy Fathers

  Image result for arrow 521 images honor thy fathers        I enjoyed this episode because it was a thoughtful episode about what our parents leave us.  At least that is how I took it.  Encased in concrete in the body of man Robert Queen accidently killed.  His mistake was  in covering it up, because Malcom Merlyn used that to cause Robert to participate in the Undertaking.  It also lead to his charge to Oliver to right is wrongs. This one mistake lead to Oliver making his journey to becoming the Green Arrow.  No child can right any wrongs of a parent.  Our sins are our own. They aren't our children's.  Robert Queen should have understood that.  I think Robert wanted his son to be a better kind of man than he was. Every parent knows the strengths and weaknesses of their children.  Sometimes the things we see in our children that we don't like, are the very things that are weaknesses in ourselves.  Long ago in college I wrote a poem that about that, and one line I particularly remember, "I am a part of you, but not all of you, " written from a child's point of view.  Oliver had to learn that even though he was part of his parents, he didn't comprise the whole of them. He was indeed as he said to Chase, "I am my own man."

    Adrian Chase in his won warped way thought both his father and Oliver's father were similar men.  Robert murdered a man and Chase's father wanted to turn tuberculosis loose on Starling City to kill thousands, but in Chase's mind they were all the same. When Oliver told Thea that Chase  made Isabel Rochev look like a bad practical joke, I felt wow, that's an understatement.  Oliver confronted Chase that even though Robert was less than perfect he did love Oliver enough to fight for him to become a better man than Robert.  Chase's father didn't love Chase in that way.  He was willing to sever all ties with Chase, because he knew Chase was insane.   Chase breaks, Oliver finally delivers the punch we've all wanted him to give, and he is locked up at Argus.  However that scene with Chase watching the media report of the Throwing Star's arrest, made me think that Chase was exactly where he wanted to be.  He wanted to be locked at Argus.  Did any of you get that impression?  For some reason, Chase wants to be there.
Image result for arrow 521 images honor thy fathers
Image result for arrow 521 images honor thy fathers         Oliver and Felicity:  The touch Oliver gave Felicity on the shoulder, the loving look that she had when he did it, reminded me so much of the Olicity of season 2.  Oliver shows complete trust in her, "If Felicity Smoak can't find William then Chase can't either."  What trust he has in her, and telling her openly is so sweet. When Oliver realizes that his father did indeed kill and he views again the video that Robert left him, he broods over it, and Felicity walks up and gently, softly talks to him.  Her tone isn't sharp or accusing; she gently guides him to the truth that Oliver already knows in his heart. She tells him that people he cares for, including herself are all better for having know Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow.  She tells him that he needs to leave the     past in the past, move forward, and live life for himself.  He knows this is true.  He puts on the Green           Arrow suit, and his team, surprised said, "Felicity has a way with words."  He spoke that with great love.  

I only have one point of complaint, please, dear Reader, don't be upset with me.  Although I loved all these special little moments, I honestly expected more.  I expected a little more touching.  A hand on Oliver's arm, or Oliver giving a lingering look.  Why did I expect this?  When the last episode ended, Felicity admitted she was wrong and she was sorry, and Oliver had those tears coming down his cheeks.  I guess I expected them to show even more, but then again, they are going to slow walk this relationship, so I have to be very patient.  

Oliver and Thea:  Thea is back, and she finds out about her father.  When they are given a flash drive with a video on it, Oliver decides they will not look at it, but then Thea does and calls Oliver back to view it.  Oliver said, "I thought we weren't going to look it," and Thea said, "You give orders and and assume they're agreements."  That's pretty much how Oliver operates, but he's growing.  I also thought Robert knew his children very well.  He knew Thea to be the stronger of the two, and that she needed to be there for Oliver.  When she told Oliver, "Our parents loved us, but that doesn't make up for all the terrible things they did, " you could feel the pain and struggle that she had gone through these last five years. Then Oliver repeated to her what Felicity told him that they had to live their own lives and leave the past in the past.  Oliver grows, and he helps Thea to grow.  Thea will suit up soon, and she will be a stronger person for it.

Image result for lance and rene from arrow images         Lance and Rene:  I loved the Father-son relationship that Lance and Rene have. Lance wants to help Rene have the relationship with his daughter that Lance once knew and misses.  Rene missing the court appearance annoys Lance and it broke his daughter's heart and ours too.  I look forward to more of this story.

Image result for Adrian chase in 521 image Curtis did it without his t-spheres.  Curtis as Mr. Terrific coming into his own...about time, right?


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