Marc Guggenheim's Talk with Sirius XM

Image result for Marc Guggenheim image Marc Guggenheim gives an interview on Sirius XM Radio and he says some interesting things about the show and about the episode Underneath which was one of my personal favorite episodes.

Here are some things I took away:

  • Just because the actors have contracts doesn't necessarily mean  they all come out alive
  • They want to try new things, but they must be driven by the story
  • They will do a Topical Episode like the gun violence episode (my least favorite episode) each year. They won't all deal with gun violence, but they will be topical to the news
  • Oliver is going to have a different sense of himself.
  • Oliver will be giving advice for a change instead of needing advice
  • As to the finale episode, death is not the only  consequence that could happen.  He felt the talk about who lives or who dies was too binary.  There are other consequences
As to that last point, I wondered if there could be someone who has amnesia.  Does Diggle get taken by someone?  We know Stephen Amell has said some cryptic things such as I hope you and didn't buy a house, to David Ramsey.  So does something happen to Diggle? 

Stephen Amell also said that William will be in the picture, and he want to teach lessons to William, so there is the father-son relationship to explore.  If William's mother makes it, there is her relationship with Oliver and Felicity to consider.  If William's mother dies, then how will that affect how William views Felicity.

Here is the link to the talk,

Scroll down to Superhero Insider.  It is a weekly program on Sirius XM 105  


  1. Does anyone think that Oliver might want to try and work things out with Williams mother for Williams sake?

  2. I guess, Nonny, that the writers could go in that direction, but I would be very, very surprised if they did.


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