A Mole in Team Arrow?

     Imagen de Arrow 6x09 (2012- ?), Irreconcilable Differences         The mid-season finale will prove to be a test for team Arrow since there will be a mole in the team, or will there? It seems the OTA (Original Team Arrow) will be at odds with the new members.  This I am sure is exactly what Cayden James wants.  James is a calculating, formidable foe unlike anyone Oliver has come up against.  In a lot of ways he parallels the Thinker on  Flash. 

We know that Roy Harper is to return, could he be the mole?  If so, what would be the motivation?Would Evelyn and Rory be considered team members?  They were in the past, but what about now? What reason would Rory have to turn on the team and Oliver in particular?  I would not consider Evelyn a part of the team, but  agent Watson might be convinced that she is.  Then there is Laurel Lance, would you consider an Earth 2 Laurel Lance to be a team member?  I would not, but then again, Agent Watson could be easily fooled, don't you think?

It has been reported on Reddit that Curtis will leave the team, however, I don't consider Reddit a reliable source.  Reddit is notoriously opposed to Olicity and anything related to Olicity, and Curtis has always supported Oliver and Felicity.  I only toss it out here, because its floating around.

 Imagen de Arrow 6x09 (2012- ?), Irreconcilable Differences      On the positive side, we will see a wedding on tonight's episode.  I know a lot of people think it is just a reception, but from the photos, it looks more like a wedding.  Can't wait!
Imagen de Arrow 6x09 (2012- ?), Irreconcilable DifferencesWhat do you think is in the box Oliver gives John Diggle?  Or do you think John gives it to Oliver?

Are you happy Donna's back? Imagen de Arrow 6x09 (2012- ?), Irreconcilable Differences

Since Felicity's dad is present, do you think we will see any kind of sparks between Donna and Lance?  I always liked the two of them.


  1. I hope we do see more of Donna and Lance, but I don't think the writers will do that, because to many of the old BC fans wouldn't like it.


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