Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak

Image result for oliver queen free imagesOliver Queen and Felicity Smoak an overview:  Oliver is a  complex character, and a hallmark  of good writing is creating complex characters.  Arrow writers Marc Guggenheim, Greg Berlanti, and Andrew Kreisberg have created wonderful characters on Arrow.  They know how to build  character over time. Even when Oliver was the playboy billionaire before he left on  trip with his father, he was  a  little brooding and dark.  This has only deepened over time. Oliver learned that you  can't always trust the people that you think you know and love.  His  family taught him that, and the Island  fermented  that within him.  The Island experience served to train him to become  the Arrow, but goodness and the darkness formed while still in Star City.  Oliver is an exaggerated version of  all us, and that is why we can relate.  Oliver feels he as to do things alone, and I think  this struggle to go it alone, has carried over even into this  fifth season,  but more that later. He has trouble letting  people inside.  As he  tell's  Felicity  in this scene, Image result for image of Oliver and Felicity in the restaurant that he has only viewed  people as threats or target, but it was Felicity whom  he saw as  person for the first  time.  Did you notice that in that scene from season 3 that Oliver seems to sit in the dark while Felicity  has the light. Part of the reason  for the darkness is that Oliver can't see himself as good.   I know people like this.  They think that because of what they have done, they cannot be allowed to be good, that goodness can never be a part of them.  Since I am a Christian, I see a lot of  symbolism in that.  We can relate  to Oliver.  We may not wield a bow, and bring  down the bad guys, but most of struggle with the two sides of  ourselves, the natural side and the spiritual side if you will.

I read that people were upset that Oliver didn't get back together with  Laurel.  Yet as good  as Laurel was, she  is also a part of the side  of  Oliver that was dark.  She reminded him of that, I think.  Complex relationships carry their own weight, so that brings me to Felicity  That's why Felicity fit him so  well. She has no history with Oliver.  She  embodies the light and the goodness more than the darkness, because Felicity has her own demons, she just has learned how to cope with them better.  She can  teach Oliver.  So when he  walks into  her office and sees this woman in light pink with a lightness and brightness  about her,  he is drawn to  her.
Image result for image  of Oliver and Felicity  meet for first  time.  If you watched last week's  episode ( October12th) we see Oliver struggle ago to go  it alone, and be in the darkness, but Felicity has the capacity to draw him out. Can they really stay apart?  I have my own thoughts on that.  If you are afraid, that Oliver and  Felicity won't end up together, hang on, I see nothing but home,   but more on that later.  


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