Felicity and Oliver Find the Truth Underneath

Image result for Arrow 520 Underneath spoiler photos Oliver and Felicity find themselves in trouble.  They are trapped in the lair, and now they will have the one thing they haven't had all season:  Time to Talk. These two love each other, and it doesn't matter what the naysayers think, Oliver and Felicity belong together.  They belong together not because the fans want it, honestly, these people can't seriously think that writers write only for a certain fan base.  No show could exist that way.  I think they saw when they brought Emily Bett  Rickards in for the day that she and Stephen Amell conncected on screen.  But even that was not enough.  They both have to act well enough to make the viewer believe it, and these two actors did.  

Ever since season 4 ended, Oliver and Felicity have avoided facing the truth an that truth is they both need one another. Yet needing each other is not enough. If there is not honesty in a relationship, you can't have the depth you to survive all the rough times.  
Image result for Arrow 520 Underneath spoiler photosMy husband spent his career as a firefighter. He saw things that he never wanted to share with me.  Things that people did to themselves, that did  to each other, the rougher side of life.  When he came home from shifts he didn't want to share any of that with me.  I felt shut out. Long story short, we finally talked and he told me some of what he saw and why he wanted to keep it from me.  I shared with him, how I felt shut out from that side of his life.  A firefighter only spends half of his life at home, the other half is spent in the line of duty, and I didn't want to be included  in half of his life; I wanted all of it.  That was 46 years ago. We found a way to share that drew us even closer together.  This is no way is like our heroes story, but it is similar.  Oliver wants to protect Felicity, but Felicity wants to be included in the team and that includes decision making.  She stood by Oliver's side even when she knew he was wrong, and she wants the same from him. Oliver now knows what Felicity went through when we  left with his arrows to do something Felicity thought was wrong.  They are walking in each other's shoes.  They want the truth from each other.  They want inclusion.  
Image result for Arrow 520 Underneath spoiler photos  
    One of my readers thinks they can be friends.  That is good. They should be friends.  You can't have a life long relationship with someone if you are not first their friend.  So when Wendy M. said that they would be friends, that didn't alarm me.  I want them to be friends, lovers, partners.  Whenever Arrow ends, which I hope will be at least 5 more seasons from now, I want to end with these two people still together, still working on making the world a little safer.  

Image result for Arrow 520 Underneath spoiler photos Underneath the facade they have put on, lies a strong love.  Underneath the frustration they both felt over Felicity's Dangerous Liaisons, lies  the truth  they will not be able to escape.  


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