How did Laurel Lance Come back:

Image result for Laurel Lance season 5 episode 9 images    I read that Wendy Mericle said to look for Laurel to appear in the episode, so I wasn't surprised.  However, I found myself feeling frustrated at the first image of her.  There she was staring at the uniforms of the "fighters" much like Felicity was at the end of season 4 and then Oliver walked in.  It was too reminiscent of that see for me.

So now the question becomes, how did she come back?  Do you remember what Felicity said when one of the team members asked how Clayborne could be back when he had died?  Felicity said something like, "Around here they die on Monday  and come on Wednesday?"  Ha Ha,their show is on Wednesday, and of course it could have foreshadowed Laurel coming back to  life.  If she did, then in my humble opinion for what it's worth, is that it happened in Flashpoint.  But, I don't think that fits.  Because if she came in Flashpoint, then everyone would know she didn't die.  Right?  They wouldn't remember her dying.  Diggle had no memory of  Sara, for in this timeline he had John.  Also, if the Flash decided  to "fix" Flashpoint, then everyone in the Lauriver fanbase would have to suffer through another day of watching her die.  The writers don't want to walk that road again I'm sure.

I think the more likely scenario is that this is  the Earth 2 Laurel, the Black Siren.  This makes more sense.  The writers said that Laurel was truly dead, also, that  Laurel  would appear across Arrow, Flash, Legends, and I am not sure about Super Girl.  It seems more reasonable then that the Black Siren character could more easily do that that.

I feel that the writers are rather playing with the Lauriver and Olicity fans.  If they  want Laurel than  write for her and keep her in some capacity, but don't toy with us.  I could be wrong.  Maybe they are not doing that, and in January we will know more and have answers we don't have now.  I just didn't see a clear reason for bringing her back.  The writers clearly showed that Oliver loves Felicity, so Olicity fans, me included, should not be worried that Laurel has any chance with Oliver.  The Black Siren may try, but we know what the answer will be.....:)

Coming tomorrow (Lord-willing folks, I have my daughter's birthday tomorrow) will be Why Felicity had to Cry Alone


  1. I don`t think Laurel has returned but I'm already tired of this part, in which she has more importance after being dead than before ... I think that's enough.
    Anyway, I think this is done on purpose by writers to hold Laurel and Oliver fans.
    Have you seing the last blog post ??? It seems that we are going to have a Felicity going through a black phase.... I hope it will serve to bring Oliver and Felicity closer and not try to distance them further.

  2. Yes, I have read that blog post. I hope to be writing my thoughts later this evening about this. I have a list of reasons why the PTSD has not been dealt with by Felicity. I am not sure what she might do that won't be morally right, but I do believe that it will take Oliver to help her out and bring them back together. More on that later. I do appreciate your comments, and I do agree that the Laurel part has been a bit overplayed by the writers, if you know what I mean. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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