Answering some Question about 511 and 512 of Arrow

I have had some questions asked about some Arrow episodes. One of from a reader of this blog, and although I answered her, I thought it was a good idea to answer it again a blog post.  The other was a question asked on Facebook and I thought it worth answering here.  Let's get to it, shall we?

 Image result for rory on arrow image       From episode 511,  the question concerned Rory's saying that Dinah was bashert, which means kismet or fate.Some folks are worried that this means that Dinah and Oliver are meant to be together as a romantic couple.  If you look again at the episode, within the first few minutes you see Rory looking at the person Curtis found that could take the place of Laurel's Black Canary, whom we now know is Dinah.   When Curtis shows the team Dinah's picture, Rory says that it was bashert or fate.  The questioner on Facebook seemed to think that it was meant for Oliver and Dinah to be together.  In context, Rory was saying that because this woman had the canary cry as a result of the particle accelerator, and because she had been a former detective that it was fate that brought her to their attention.  Bashert is a Hebrew word that does mean fate and that
 it can also mean someone or something that was meant to be, but it doesn't necessarily mean being together with someone romantically. For example, let's say your alarm clock doesn't work, and you're late for work.  But you hustle around and get out the door on time anyway, but as you go down the road a little ways, you realize you forgot your purse. You go back to get it, but when you get there, you can't find it, and it takes 10 more minutes to find it.  You head out the door with purse in tow, and start down the road again, when you run into slow traffic, the lane is blocked and you can't move. You're really late now. Traffic is stalled.  You roll down your window and ask what's going on when you're told, that 10 minutes ago, logs fell off a truck and hit the car behind it, smashing the car.  So it was "bashert" that woke you up late and "bashert" that made you forget your purse, and "bashsert" that caused you to miss the accident. It could have been your car.

I think that's what Rory meant when he said that.  He wasn't talking about anything romantic with Dinah and Oliver. Rather, it was fate or "bashert" that caused her to have the canary cry, and "bashert" that lead them to her for Dinah to be a part of the team. It was meant to be.  I hope that puts a few minds at ease.  So far, I have seen nothing that has caused me to believe that Dinah and Oliver will be a romantic item.

From episode 512:  One of my readers read on another blog that when Oliver interrupted Rory and Felicity that Oliver looked jealous.  I just watched the episode again, and I didn't see jealousy.  First of all Rory and Felicity didn't sit near each other and clearly they were having a disagreement.  You could see it when Oliver opened the door and asked what was going on, He looked concerned, because he knows there is something wrong with Felicity and then Rory tells Oliver that Felicity is doing something not right.  Oliver couldn't address it, because of what Diggle was doing to the informant.  I think the look was one of concern, because he knows Felicity is keeping something from him.  He might be frustrated that she wouldn't trust him.

Image result for Oliver jealous of the flash image  These are looks of Jealous Oliver.  Remember the looks he gave Barry?  Or Image result for Oliver jealous of the flash image Jealous Oliver over Ray Palmer.  To me, these are not the same look he had when he caught Rory and Felicity. He knew they were talking, and he knew Felicity is doing something that will take her down the dark path.  He wants to help her, and he can't.

However, I think Felicity might be a little jealous of Dinah and she thinks back to Isabell Rochev from season 2.  Hence her rather scarastic comment to Oliver, What happens in Russia stays in Russia.  Did you notice Oliver give her that look, almost the same look he gave her back in season 2.

Clearly Season 5 of Arrow refers back to seasons one and 2.  Image result for Oliver and felicity in russia season 2 image

Also, Felicity employs similar methods that Oliver  did in season 2 of the Russia episode.

Image result for Oliver and felicity in russia season 2 image  Felicity moves towards the darkness, how will Oliver be her light?

Coming later:  Will Anatoly play a part of Prometheus?


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