Why I hope Tommy Merlyn is NOT Prometheus

 Image result for tommy merlyn image        Many blogs posts state that Tommy Merlyn is Prometheus.  They have some plausible reasons for the suggestion.  In summary:

  • Tommy Merlyn was a huge part of season 1, and the showrunners say this season goes back to season 1, and if I remember correctly would be an original character from season 1.
  • Malcolm could easily have put Tommy in the Lazarus pit.  He could have seen the terrible results of doing so, because those who go in come out completely different.  He was adamant about not wanting Thea put in the pit.  Was it because of what it did to Tommy? Malcolm could easily have satisfied Tommy's blood lust, as he tried to do for Thea.
  • Tommy would have a reason to come back to Starling City, when he found out that Laurel had been killed, and he believes Oliver killed Laurel, hence he wants revenge.
  • Tommy knew about the book of names Robert gave Oliver and Felicity and Diggle being an important part of Oliver's life.
  • Oliver would be totally shocked to see Tommy as Prometheus, and we know that whomever it is, he presence will shock Oliver.
  • The Black Siren worked with Prometheus, and Tommy might want to work with a Laurel look-a-like to exact his revenge.
Why I hope it is not Tommy Merlyn:  Tommy's story arc felt completed and full.  Tommy's death was the catalyst that moved Oliver forward in his journey to become the Green Arrow.  To bring him back would undermine the significance of Tommy's death.  Season 2 began with Oliver wanting to be better to honor Tommy's memory.  To have Tommy be Prometheus would, for me, seem to cheapen the story of Tommy. Tommy's death lead to Oliver's growth as a person.  

Those who lay the case that Tommy Merlyn is Prometheus have stated a good case for it, I just hope that's not the way the move the story.

So, whom do hope it is?  I think Yao Fei would be a good choice. He was a major character in season Yao Fei connects to Talia and the Russian story line of this season.  He might want revenge for Shado's death. However the question for me would be, how did he not die?  Did Talia, who trained him, put in the Lazarus pit?  

What if at the reveal it looks like Shado under the hood, but it is instead, Mei, Shado's sister and the daughter of Yao Fei?  Having it be a woman would be very interesting, but that doesn't look likely.

I would rather it be anyone, but Tommy.   What say you?  Image result for tommy merlyn image


  1. Hi,
    I'm also one of those who don`t want to see Tommy as the big villain .... I like Tommy as he always has been ... I have no idea who he is, speculation about Tommy has a foundation but I hope isn`t him ...
    The reporter think not, but maybe it's being used by Prometheus ....
    Oliver earth 2 would be awesome, amazing even ....

  2. I'm not sold on Yao Fe...because even though he was in season 1 for us...he was NOT in season 1 as the storyline goes. He was a part of the flashbacks. So it is going to be a character from Season one. What I am questioning is why MM is over on legends trying to get the spear of destiny to change reality. He doesn't want to go back too far because there would be no Thea. And though he's told Sara he wants to not send the ship out I don't think that is in line with his charactor. I think he wants to change things so that he is able to stop Tommy from dying...now as to the Billy conundrum one of the things that the writers are saying is that Billy's death is the final straw that thrwe Felicity into her dark arc...how would him actually be alive progress her return to the light? Honestly I have no idea who Prometheus is at this point. If it is Tommy you can bet your bottom dollar that they will be hiding flight itineraries of Collin until that reveal.

  3. I don't watch Legends so I didn't know anything about that story line. But that would be another reason why I hope it isn't Tommy. Not all Arrow fans watch the other shows. I know of 3 people who quit watching Arrow because of too many crossovers. So I hope that wouldn't happen. But I can see how folks are thinking Tommy, because they watch Legends, so I thank you for bringing up that point.

    As for Billy, yes, his death was the straw that broke her and drove her to the dark island she us on. But imagine how she would feel if Billy is Prometheus. How angry would she be to know that he wasn't who she thought he was? For me, it would be a good way to tie past and present stories together.

    Yao Fe doesn't seem possible, but it seemed better to me than Tommy, but that's my opinion.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Legends angle. 😊

  4. Love your opinion. Just so you know I started watching arrow and Legends because of the crossovers from Flash...and my seventeen year old daughter. So I'm one of the people that started out with Flash bUT because of the crossovers decided to give the other shows a try. Confession time? I tried Arrow primarily because of Felicity showing up on the Flash. I could relate to her. So just as many people probably start watching as those who stop. LOL Thank you for taking the time to respond to a reletive newbie to Arrow.

  5. So glad to have you, and I am so happy you share your thoughts. I am new to blogging and it was my daughter who encouraged me to start one. Guess we are both newbies.😊 I am happy you comment, because we can all learn from each other. I hope you come back. Did you read my two reviews on the last Arrow episode? If you didn't, I hope you do. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks again for sharing.


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