An Olicity-Arrow Friend needs help

I read on a regular basis the Olicity-Arrow Facebook Page by a RiRi.  She has always been so kind to me and allowed me to post my reviews on her page.  Now she needs help for her little niece. Please read and if you can help in any way she would appreciate it.  Prayers are always an important way to help.

I've been wresting whether to share this on here for weeks. I've been so torn because I know this is a page for Olicity/Arrow/Arrowverse and I didn't want to abuse my power and lose everyones respect and maybe this page. But I thought about it more and decided I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try. This is Adrianna Lara, she's my 2 year old niece. She was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma 4 months ago. They've done many rounds of chemotherapy and though her tumor has shrunk she's not out the woods. She has to do radiation therapy but because she's so young she has to have a certain kind a kind they don't offer in the state she lives in so her and her family have to travel to Florida to get it. They're raising money so they can give their daughter the best treatment possible. I'm not telling you to donate by any means but if you could donate just a little it'd be grateful appreciated. And if you can't donate, sharing this post or saying a little prayer is just as helpful. I hope I haven't offended anyone by sharing something personal and not related to Arrow. This will be the only post I make on the subject. Thank you all.
- RiRi
My name is melissa.I am trying to raise money for my cousin,marco lara,whose 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with ewing sarcoma,which is a type of child…


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