Plot Twist: Arrow 515 Fighting Fire with Fire has SurprisesReview

Image result for Adrian Chase is prometheus image Prometheus is Adrian Chase. I was surprised for I was certain that he was the Vigilante.  So now we have two enemies going after Oliver each for their own purposes.  I thought all along that Prometheus was the main"big bad", but now we have the Vigilante who wants Oliver for his own reasons.  Does the Vigilante work for Prometheus or does the Vigilante want to be the one who kills Oliver? Prometheus doesn't seem to want to kill Oliver.  He's like a cat toying with the prey.  He wants to get into Oliver's head and now he has kidnapped Susan. What will this drive Oliver to do.  In so may respects he is like Slade Wilson, and he has taken the one Oliver loves, just as Slade did when he took both Laurel and Felicity.  So maybe Susan isn't the enemy the viewers thought or hoped she was.

Image result for vigilante arrow imagePrometheus as Adrian Chase even led Dinah to think that Adrian is the Vigilante, when he took that piece of the helmet.  So who is the Vigilante?  He survived the fall.  Is he a meta?   The Vigilante seems more mysterious than Prometheus ever did.

Thea has had little to do this season, and that has been disappointing.  So is Willa Holland leaving Arrow? Where will she go and what will she do?  Thea was willing to blackmail a councilman to save Oliver.  Thea was willing to hurt Felicity by throwing Billy Malone under the bus to save Oliver's career as mayor. In politics, the ends justify the means, and Oliver comes down hard on her.  Yes, Thea was wrong, and she needed to see it was wrong, but Oliver, who has killed for pretty much same reason, seemed a little off, at first.  At first I thought, Well, who are you to call her out, when the ends justified your means in killing in season one.  Yet he is the very to tell her, because he knows just what happens when you let that kind of darkness in.  It affects who you trust, how you live, and how you think.  After all it has taken Oliver five years to overcome some of that darkness and he hasn't quite overcome it yet.  If they have run out of story line for Thea, it is better than she walk away than be killed. Oliver can live with it if she walks away.  He let her go.  He's grown as a person.

   Oliver and Felicity really upset me tonight.  Really Oliver, you are asking the woman you wanted to marry just last year; the woman you sat by her bedside and told her for better or worse, you ask her to help make amends with your new girlfriend?  I'm sorry, but that gave me no sympathy for Oliver.  Felicity has lost so much, and yet Oliver asks her to help him repair his relationship with Susan.  I loved it when Felicity said that perhaps Oliver should that himself.  I think that angered many fans and frankly took away some hope of Oliver and Felicity getting back together.

Image result for images from arrow 515     Felicity is now going to work with Helix.  I am thinking this going to lead her to not only a bad place, but a place from which she may not be able to extricate herself.  Last season when Felicity was in the wheelchair, Oliver told her  that her superpower was her mind.  Last night, Diggle told her her superpower was empathy not computers.  I can see why he said that.  In season one, Felicity was willing to quit the team because the man Oliver was going after had a little ten year old boy. Felicity didn't want that boy fatherless.  Oliver listened to her and found a different, better way.  Felicity lost that empathy for a while, I don't believe it is gone for good.  She's been through a lot, and she's seen 4 years of Diggle and Oliver using whatever means they have to bring the bad guys to justice.  She told Diggle she "put the toothpaste back in the tube."  In reality you can never do that.  There's always a part that never go back.  She will have to live with consequences of what she's done.  She wants to do the same as Oliver and Diggle did..  She is now full scale on her darker path.  Will it be Oliver or Diggle who helps her out?  I am thinking both, but mostly Oliver, because it is Oliver she loves, and she will also come to understand Oliver in way she never did before.  Sometimes we have to walk down a dark path before we find the light.

Sometimes heroes are difficult to like.  I'm not sure I liked Oliver tonight.  He seemed thoughtless, but heroes are human too, and Oliver faces many challenges, and the things with Felicity he has yet to face. I don't think he can move on with Susan until he faces Felicity.  Your thoughts?

Stray thoughts:

  • Rene and Curtis have some good moments and seem almost improvisational 
  • The flashbacks almost always reflect back to current time.  Will Susan Williams be a part of that?  I can't help but think there is a Russian link to her
  • Oliver running the Green Arrow under the bus and making him a cop killer, was a pretty good plot move that was manipulated by Adrian Chase, you could almost seeing him push Oliver to do that.  That's why was certain he would have been the Vigilante.  But now, how will the team get the Green Arrow back?
  • I am curious about Captain Pike.  What role will he pla
  • Where were the little Olicity moments?  I plan to write more on that soon.
Image result for oliver asking felicity for help images  Felicity proved that in Episode 515 




  1. The episode was even good, had movement, action and was not expected that Adrian was Prometheus, never crossed my mind ... anyway, i hope that the writers have a good explanation, even very good that justifies the actions By Adrian Chase.
    At this point, I hate Oliver and all his attitudes, I've never seen him fight for Felicity, she left and he let her go, did nothing, until today to regain her, never even apologized and with this SW does Of everything to recover it, even forgets that she investigated and was exposed him. As if that were not enough, he dared to go and ask for help to Felicity, the woman he says was everything to him ... how can he do it? How dare the writers do this to the two characters? Felicity had Billy who barely saw himself and she even hide him from Oliver and this SW is suddenly God on earth and Oliver is capable of everything for her ... I don`t understand and I don`t like his character this season, he has many attitudes Meaningless .... and now we're still going to have SW kidnapped and I'm already imagining Oliver saving her and calling her baby like she did with Felicity last season.
    In addition to all this, Felicitiy almost doesn`t appear, has only small moments ... I usually have fun with the series that I accompany but Arrow is making me very frustrated.

    Another thing, I've already told you, Oliver is acting so wrong with Felicity that in my opinion, the magic between them is getting lost and I'm not seeing how the writers are going to fix it .... they'll have to trying very hard.

    With Oliver's attitude yesterday, I'd like to say that Felicity deserves someone better than him.

  2. I totally understand your frustration. It is like all that the two had is done, but I think that is primarily due to no screen time together. Either the writers have a huge surprise in store or Olicity will not ever be again. I am not at that place yet, because the writers spent four and half years to put then together only to destroy them in six months? No, I am not ready to believe they could that. We have to wait. As always your comments are welcomed. Your insights are often challenging me to think deeper. Thanks.

  3. I believe they will come back but the laps that the writers are going to get there are evil, or there is a good explanation for everything that is going on in the series or else the magic of Arrow will disappear, as most of the fans are Saturated, frustrated, especially with out-of-context and meaningless attitudes on the part of Oliver.

    I don`t understand what Oliver does for Susan, when he never even apologized to Felicity for lying to her...this is sad, i think...

    1. Do you follow Olicity-Arrow on facebook? I guess in twitter someone asked SA why Oliver was being a jerk and his response was his fiancee left him, he doesn't sleep, and his leather us tight. Personally I didn't find that funny. I agree with you it is sad. I don't see a logical story line.

    2. Yes I follow and read this, even read it on SA twitter too ... but at this moment i don`t understand the story, the reactions, everything ... that's why it's frustrating.
      I look forward to seeing Jen's review because she always sees things I do not see: D.
      All day I've been waiting for your reviews, now I'm waiting hers.


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