Olicity 1.16 vs. Olicity 2.16 Love the Story

Image result for arrow diggle training felicity                            Image result for arrow 2.16 images time of death
While ironing yesterday, I watched a couple of past Arrow episodes: season 1.16 The Dodger, and season 2.16 to compare them.  In both of those episodes Felicity is training.  In the first one, Diggle teaches her because in light of what they do, he thought she needed to be able to defend herself.  In the second season episode, Felicity is working out herself.  In part she wants to be like Sarah, because she is feeling as Diggle said, "left out," but I think she was a little jealous, and I think Sarah knew it. The most striking thing to me between those episodes, however, is Oliver's reaction to Felicity.  His reactions speak volumes.

In episode 1.16, Oliver walks in and he sees Felicity, and yet he doesn't.  He never said anything about what she wore or what she did.  He just walks in and starts talking,  He has a meeting with Mackenna, so perhaps that's why, but he takes no special notice of Felicity.  In episode 2.16, Felicity works out on her own, and Sarah walks in and sees that she is doing her boxing incorrectly and then helps her.  Oliver walks in and asks Felicity a question, and she walks towards the computer, and then Oliver says, "And what are you wearing?"  He noticed her.  His eyes were on and he wondered about her.  He is being drawn towards her.  We know that Stephen Amell thinks in was in 2.06 that Oliver realized he loved Felicity, but in 2.16 we are now fully aware that Oliver sees Felicity.  It is in this episode that tells Laurel that he is done chasing her.  I hope to have another post up soon about that.  All of these things the writers have done to show us that Oliver and Felicity belong together. I will never be convinced that the fans made the writers do this.  Writers don't do that, if they care for the story, and I think these writers care very much for the story they are telling.

This is why I am willing to wait for the rebuild.  It should not be rushed. I am willing to wait, are you?


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