Just who is the Vigilante?

Image result for vigilante and prometheus imagesWhile we wait for the return of Arrow, many have postulated about who the Vigilante could be.  At first I thought the Vigilante and Prometheus were one and the same, and more so after we found out how psychologically ill Adrian Chase is.  I thought he might have a dual personality.  Because when we saw Prometheus throw the Vigilante off the building, yet the body vanished, it seemed to me that Prometheus fought a version of himself, and the Prometheus side won out.

Image result for Felicity smoak at helix images         However, I did a little research on comic book history and found that in 2008, that the Vigilante was Dorian Chase, the twin brother to Adrian Chase.  So...could Vigilante be Dorian Chase?  Then I thought what if Dorian and Adrian plotted to bring down the Arrow together.  Since they are twins, one could appear as the DA while the other out being either the Vigilante or Prometheus.  I thought this until I read that the  showrunners stated that Felicity will be the first to meet the Vigilante, but I think she read she won't know at first he is the Vigilante. I am guessing that she meets him at Helix. If that's the case then it wouldn't be a twin brother, because she would recognize Adrian.  But what if it is the brother of Adrian and it is Dorian?  That would really stir the pot and make things interesting, wouldn't it.  What do you think?


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