Flash Review: Invasion

Image result for invasion images flash             Wow, that episode soared as a great crossover event.  From the minute it started, it hooked the viewer.     Image result for invasion images flash               The Dominators came to  Central City, and we find Lila getting Barry to help.  Barry knew he needed help so he gets Oliver and Diggle, and where do they go?    Image result for invasion images flash          The Loft!  Felicity even called Thea.  Did  you find yourself  laughing as Diggle  heaved over the railing  at the loft?  He always has trouble getting used to speed.

We found out the secret.  Well, sort of.  We still don't know why 40 years in the future people have trouble trusting Barry.  Is it the time travel?  I think we may learn  more about this in the future. I can understand why Cisco is angry with Barry.  Those  are natural feelings.  Felicity wants them to make peace, but Cisco shuts that door rather quickly.  It is Oliver who can understand Barry.  He would give anything  to have his parents back, and I even though he  didn't say it, even Laurel.  This will play into the mind control that the Dominators will  do with Oliver and the  rest.

I don't trust HR.  Do you?  He's up to no good, and I think he wants to use and take Wally's speed in much the same way Zoom did.

Finally we see the consequences of time travel, and yet Oliver's trying to make sense out of it and  comfort Barry, showed  so much  growth in Oliver's character. He kept his trust in Barry, and Felicity saw it.    He also encouraged Barry to lead, and I don't think the old Oliver would have done that. He's not so cut and dried  anymore.

I don't watch Legends, so I am not sure what alarmed Dr. Stein at his home.  He needed to get back, but they left that in  the air, so perhaps that will resolve itself in  the  Legends show.

    Felicity brings out a certain lightness.  She's the bridge builder, and I believe  that somehow a bridge can be built back to Oliver again.

Diggle's reaction to finding out he had a daughter and that his  anger at Barry made him not want Oliver along  if he wanted Barry  to still lead.  Will we see more of  that in the future?

What did you think of the previews?  The Legends folks  and Oliver are all in some  sort of cocoon. It looks like Oliver may have married Laurel, however, Sara mentioned that  Laurel was dead, so this has to be some sort  of mind control thing.  Did you notice  the shots of Oliver and Felcity from season two, I think.  Will this be the beginning of a rebuild for Olicity?  I hope so.

This was one of the best crossover episodes ever and a real build up for the 100th episode of Arrow.  Not necessarily the one I wanted, after all  who wouldn't want an Olicity wedding, but I think it will be better than I first thought.  I am excited.


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