Thoughts on Olicity

I've been seeing a lot of concern over Olicity in several of the blogs I read, and I want to share with my readers some thoughts that I have. 

First, Wendy Mericle has said the the theme of this year is Legacy.  A legacy is something we had down to future generations.  Each member of  Original Team Arrow (OTA) will struggle with their legacy. Each of the three major characters made choices over the last five years, and now they are coming to terms with those choices. Oliver wants to save Star City, and will struggle with what he has accomplished, because after what Damion did, the city is more of a mess than when Oliver came back from the island. Felicity, has to come to terms with Havenrock and also her loss of Oliver and the choices she made.  Diggle, chose to kill his brother. He knows he had to do what he did, but he still has to find a way to live with it.  

 Image result for images of  Olicity on balcony season 5          Mericle also seemed to hedge on Olicity.  I think this is why people panic.  She hasn't seemed to put them in the forefront in terms of marketing.  If we go back to Guggenheim, we find he said that Olicity is the end game.  So we could have a long wait.  Each season we find ourselves in a will they or won't they, setting.  What does this mean.  We could see them moving together toward the end of season five, or they could postpone it until the last season.  I don't think they will.    They moved Olicity along pretty quickly,  so now that they have "slowed" it down, it seems like slow motion to the viewer who is for Olicity.  If Guggenheim says they are the end game, then we need to hang in there and not give up hope.  It will happen, and we have to see how the story develops.  That's the fun of watching our favorite shows.  How do they develop character?  How does the story move along?  For example, when Oliver said he was going on his date with Susan, didn't you expect the camera to shift to Felicity, so we could see her reaction?  I did.  Why didn't they?  I  think partly because we know her reaction.  Partly, because they want to keep us guessing.  It's all part of the plan.  

       Will we have to endure more of Billy and Susan?  Yes.  We can only hope they cameras away from the bedrooms.  Will we see rebuilding?  I think we already are.  Oliver has to learn to be open before he can be fully the Green Arrow.  Felicity, has to come to terms with her own insecurity,  the legacy her father left her, to say nothing of coming to terms with Havenrock, which she  is starting to do with Rory, but we see these things happening.  

I think there will be a slow rebuild, at least that is how I see the story going now.  But I haven't lost hope.  Let's let the story unfold.  They invested four years in Olicity, I can't see them dropping it now.  
Coming soon: The things I least like about Arrow, and it might surprise you.  You'll have to wait until after Thanksgiving.  Have a wonderful Holiday, and  those of us in the Arrowverse, Let's me thankful for Olicity. :)


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